zolantris / ValheimMods

Collection of ValheimMods, ValheimRaft (originally created by Sarcen) and a few other upcoming mods including a vehicles mod.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

New Raft pieces + old decayed - destroyed (Upgraded from 2.0.4 -> 2.1.1) #90

Closed rameils closed 1 month ago

rameils commented 1 month ago

What happened?

Relevant log after player loads in: `[Info :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController pieces 447 [Info :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController pendingPieces 0 [Info :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController allPieces 1 [Error : Unity Log] Unable skin the associated mesh with bone count: 0, Cloth component disabled. Please check that at least one of the bones is assigned. [Info : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 14:18:59: Placed MBSailCreator_4

[Info : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 14:19:32: Placed MBSailCreator_4

[Info : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 14:19:38: Placed MBSailCreator_4

[Info : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 14:19:41: Placed MBSailCreator_4

[Error :ValheimRAFT.SailComponent] SailCornersCount: 0 is corrupt or mismatches the last ValheimRAFT version. Destroying this component to prevent errors [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: (wrapper dynamic-method) WearNTear.DMD(WearNTear,HitData) ValheimRAFT.SailComponent.DestroySelfOnError () (at :0) ValheimRAFT.SailComponent.LoadZDO () (at :0) ValheimRAFT.SailComponent.OnEnable () (at :0) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(GameObject, Vector3, Quaternion) ValheimRAFT.SailCreatorComponent:CreateSailFromCorners() ValheimRAFT.SailCreatorComponent:Awake() UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(GameObject, Vector3, Quaternion) Player:DMD(Player, Piece) Player:DMD(Player, Boolean, Single) Player:Update()`

UPDATE: Able to replicate consistently, with new pieces decaying and destroying themselves. Important to note that save was while ship was in raftcreative mode.

Seems to me some old pieces weren't properly removed and new ones added showed up decayed and were destroyed as if decayed fully. Also, the water raft piece(the root piece dropped after using the raftcreative command) decayed and destroyed itself. See the uploaded picture, the raft piece was where I was looking and the water effects show the old location.

Able to replicate consistently*


Steps to reproduce

Reload save after placing pieces on a dedicated server. Able to replicate, this issue seems to be specific, however, I do not believe the other mods are causing conflicting issues.

Log outputs

[Message:   BepInEx] BepInEx - valheim_server (5/22/2024 9:21:49 AM)
[Message:   BepInEx] User is running BepInExPack Valheim version 5.4.2202 from Thunderstore
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity v2022.3.17.5228416
[Info   :   BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info   :   BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 patcher plugin loaded
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] 19 plugins to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [PlantEverything 1.17.3]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [FirstPersonMode 1.3.3]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [MagicPlugin 1.9.6]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ComfyGizmo 1.9.1]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Configuration Manager 18.3]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Jotunn 2.20.0]
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing ModCompatibility
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing SynchronizationManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing NetworkManager
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [BoneAppetit 3.3.0]
[Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Prepping Kitchen...
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing ItemManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing PrefabManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing AssetManager
[Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Big thanks to MeatwareMonster!
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing SkillManager
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Valharvest 3.1.2]
[Info   :Valharvest.Main] Preparing the plants...
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing MockManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing PieceManager
[Info   :Valharvest.Scripts.Loaders] Loaded pieces
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [MajesticChickens 1.5.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AirAnimals 0.1.8]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [SeaAnimals 0.2.4]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Backpacks 1.3.3]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Display BepInEx Info In-Game 2.0.2]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [OdinHorse 1.2.6]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Warfare 1.7.4]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Armory 1.2.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Monstrum 1.4.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Wizardry 1.0.2]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ValheimRAFT 2.1.1]
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing CommandManager
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege Multiplayer is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege UserGeneratedContent is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege CrossPlay is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:34:52: Set background loading budget to Low

[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing LocalizationManager
[Warning: Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:34:53: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:34:53: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:34:53: Starting to load scene:start.unity (169d7618616154c03be07e9ad3af5893)

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:34:53: Set background loading budget to Normal

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:34:57: Set background loading budget to High

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:23: Set background loading budget to Low

[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
[Warning: Unity Log] HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
[Warning: Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:24: Missing audio clip in music respawn

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Get create world RamWorld

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Using environment steamid 892970

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Using steam APPID:892970

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Server ID 90071992547409920

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Authentication:k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Waiting

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Steam game server initialized

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Using default prefs

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Valheim version: 0.218.15 (network version 27)

[Info   : Unity Log] Trying to set graphic mode to 'Custom'
[Info   : Unity Log] Graphic mode 'Custom' is not or no longer supported. Fallback to default mode for platform...
[Info   : Unity Log] Graphic mode 'Custom' applied!
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Console: Valheim 0.218.15 (network version 27)

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Console: 

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Console: type "help" - for commands

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Console: 

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 5 commands to the Console
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 5 commands to the Console

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Render threading mode:SingleThreaded

[Warning: Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Set button "CamZoomIn" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Set button "CamZoomOut" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Set button "CamZoomIn" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:27: Set button "CamZoomOut" to None!

[Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Loaded Game VFX and SFX
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:33: Console: [Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Loaded Game VFX and SFX

[Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Load Complete. Bone Appetit yall.
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:33: Console: [Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Load Complete. Bone Appetit yall.

[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing ZoneManager
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:34: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing ZoneManager

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 94 custom items to the ObjectDB
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:34: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 94 custom items to the ObjectDB

[Info   :Valharvest.Scripts.BoneAppetitBalance] SeagullEgg Loaded.
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:34: Console: [Info   :Valharvest.Scripts.BoneAppetitBalance] SeagullEgg Loaded.

[Info   :Valharvest.Main] Load Complete.
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:34: Console: [Info   :Valharvest.Main] Load Complete.

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.SkillManager] Registering 1 custom skills
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:34: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.SkillManager] Registering 1 custom skills

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:34: Sending PlayFab login request (attempt 1)

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:34: Login postponed until ID has been set.

[Info   : Unity Log] The shader Hidden/Dof/DepthOfFieldHdr (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) is not supported on this platform!
[Warning: Unity Log] The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:35: Starting music menu

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:35: Game server connected

[Warning: Unity Log] HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
[Warning: Unity Log] HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Using default prefs

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Console: Valheim 0.218.15 (network version 27)

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Console: 

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Console: type "help" - for commands

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Console: 

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 5 commands to the Console
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 5 commands to the Console

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: isModded: True

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Zonesystem Awake 629687

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: DungeonDB Awake 629687

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Registering lobby

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:36: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'advize.PlantEverything ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Azumatt.FirstPersonMode ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'blacks7ar.MagicPlugin ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'blacks7ar.MagicPlugin ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'CookieMilk.MajesticChickens ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'CookieMilk.MajesticChickens ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'CookieMilk.MajesticChickens PieceManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'CookieMilk.MajesticChickens CreatureManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'marlthon.AirAnimals ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'marlthon.AirAnimals ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'marlthon.AirAnimals CreatureManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'marlthon.SeaAnimals ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'marlthon.SeaAnimals ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'marlthon.SeaAnimals CreatureManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Backpacks ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'org.bepinex.plugins.backpacks ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'OdinHorse ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Raelaziel.OdinHorse ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Raelaziel.OdinHorse PieceManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Raelaziel.OdinHorse CreatureManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Warfare ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Warfare PieceManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Warfare ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Warfare SkillManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Armory ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Armory PieceManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Armory ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Monstrum ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Monstrum ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Monstrum PieceManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Monstrum CreatureManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Wizardry ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Wizardry ItemManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Wizardry PieceManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'Therzie.Wizardry CreatureManager ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.PrefabManager] Adding 196 custom prefabs to the ZNetScene
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.PrefabManager] Adding 196 custom prefabs to the ZNetScene

[Info   :Valharvest.Scripts.ConsumableItemExtractor] Extracting consumable items...
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :Valharvest.Scripts.ConsumableItemExtractor] Extracting consumable items...

[Error  : Unity Log] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: shader
Stack trace:
UnityEngine.Material..ctor (UnityEngine.Shader shader) (at <ab14d35a27c043688812ae199c64b5aa>:0)
ShieldDomeImageEffect.Awake () (at <c7b45d4f19fe45bd9ce84673b5236685>:0)

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: /w [text] - Whisper

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: /s [text] - Shout

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: /die - Kill yourself

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: /resetspawn - Reset spawn point

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: /[emote]

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: Emotes: wave, sit, challenge, cheer, nonono, thumbsup, point, blowkiss, bow, cower, cry, despair, flex, comehere, headbang, kneel, laugh, roar, shrug, dance

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: 

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 94 custom items to the ObjectDB
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 94 custom items to the ObjectDB

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 76 custom recipes to the ObjectDB
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 76 custom recipes to the ObjectDB

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 1 custom item conversions
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 1 custom item conversions

[Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for Battleaxe
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for Battleaxe

[Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for BattleaxeCrystal
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for BattleaxeCrystal

[Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for FistFenrirClaw
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for FistFenrirClaw

[Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for SledgeDemolisher
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for SledgeDemolisher

[Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for SledgeIron
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for SledgeIron

[Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for SledgeStagbreaker
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :   Warfare] ODB Disabling recipe for SledgeStagbreaker

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 62 custom pieces to the PieceTables
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:39: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 62 custom pieces to the PieceTables

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.NetworkManager] Registering 2 custom RPCs
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.NetworkManager] Registering 2 custom RPCs

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Zonesystem Start 629687

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 2 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Added 4 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Added 24 locations, 33 vegetations, 8 environments, 2 biome env-setups, 2 clutter  from main

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ZoneManager] Injecting 16 custom vegetation
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Console: [Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ZoneManager] Injecting 16 custom vegetation

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: DungeonDB Start 629687

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: ZRpc timeout set to 30s 

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: ZNET START

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Load world: RamWorld (RamWorld)

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Loading 67388 zdos, my sessionID: 43811175, data version: 34

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Loading in ZDOs

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Adding to Dictionary

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Adding to Sectors

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Connecting Portals, Spawners & ZSyncTransforms

[Info   : Unity Log] ConnectSpawners => Connected 0 spawners and 143 'done' spawners.
[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Loaded 11214 locations

[Info   : Unity Log] 05/24/2024 13:35:40: Unloading unused assets

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True


Dedicated Server
- **OS**: Windows 10
- **Graphics**: DX11or12
- **BepInEx**: 5.4.2202
- Jotunn 2.15.2
- **ValheimRAFT**: 2.0.4 -> 2.1.1
rameils commented 1 month ago


After reloading the server the raft with the missing core piece the ship sank to the bottom of the ocean. This was really frustrating but unfortunately, I cannot single out the cause of the core piece getting decayed/deleted; all I remember was that I saw the piece get destroyed after sinking from the ship at the time.

I was able to resolve this by switching to an earlier backup where the raft piece is still existent. I will test more on my multiplayer dedicated server to make sure it's not a multiplayer issue.

I have noticed the compatibility issue with gizmo mod. I have the save In question if you would like to take a look at it.