zommerfelds / pandoc-image-in-table

A very simple Pandoc filter to properly position images inside a table for LaTeX output
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A very simple Pandoc filter to properly center images inside a table for LaTeX output. It works by simply adding \raisebox{-.5\height}{IMAGE} to images occurring in a table.

To use this filter, simply add --filter table_image.py to your Pandoc arguments.


Given the following Markdown:

Name            Surface area       Photo
--------------  -----------------  -------------------
Earth           510,072,000 km^2^  ![](earth.png)
Mars            144,798,500 km^2^  ![](mars.png)

Example without the filter

pandoc -o before.pdf demo.md

Example with the filter

pandoc --filter ../table_image.py -o after.pdf demo.md