zone11 / WLBridge4TRX

Connect your TRX to Wavelog Logging Software
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amateur-radio amateurradio esp32 ham-radio wavelog


A WIFI bridge to connect your radio directly to Wavelog using the official radio API.\ Cloudlog should also work, but is not tested -> have a look at Wavelog ;)

Serial console


Currently tested with YAESU (991A) and Elecraft (KX2) Radios using CAT over RS232


Example (Elecraft KX2)

Using a Sparkfun ESP32 Thing with a LiPo Battery for portable operation. The radio is connected using a MAX2323 levelshifter to connect to the radios RS232 Port (ACC in this case). Elecraft KX2 Example


Feel free to open an issue or start a discussion.

73 de HB9HJQ, Christian