zopefoundation / cipher.encryptingstorage

ZODB storage wrapper for encryption of database records
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.. caution::

This repository is no longer maintained and thus it got archived.

If you want to work on it please open a ticket in
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ZODB storage wrapper for encryption of database records. Actually it is doing encryption and compression.

Installation manual with buildout

Follow https://pypi.python.org/pypi/keas.kmi to generate a kek.dat file::

$ git clone https://github.com/zopefoundation/keas.kmi.git
$ cd keas.kmi
$ python2.7 bootstrap.py
$ ./bin/buildout
$ ./bin/runserver &

$ wget https://localhost:8080/new -O kek.dat --ca-certificate sample.crt \

Now copy kek.dat and the keys folder to your plone site::

$ cp -pi kek.dat /home/yourname/Plone/training/var/kek.dat
$ cp -pri keys /home/yourname/Plone/training/var/dek-storage

Then create a encryption.conf like this in your buildout directory::

enabled = true
kek-path = /home/yourname/Plone/training/var/kek.dat
dek-storage-path = /home/yourname/Plone/training/var/dek-storage/

You can use the "kmi-server = https://kmi.example.com" option instead of dek-storage-path if you don't want to copy the keys folder.

Then edit buildout.cfg and add cipher.encryptingstorage to your eggs::

eggs +=

Now extend your [instance] ( plone.recipe.zope2instance )::

zope-conf-imports =
zope-conf-additional =
    <zodb_db main>
      cache-size 30000
        config encryption.conf
        # FileStorage database
          path ${buildout:buildout_dir}/var/filestorage/Data.fs
          blob-dir ${buildout:buildout_dir}/var/blobstorage
      mount-point /

Then run buildout::

$ ./bin/buildout

Remove the generated entry in parts/instance/etc/zope.conf::

<zodb_db main>
    # Main database
    cache-size 30000
    # Blob-enabled FileStorage database
      blob-dir /home/yourname/Plone/training/var/blobstorage
      # FileStorage database
        path /home/yourname/Plone/training/var/filestorage/Data.fs
    mount-point /

Converting an existing filestorage

If you have a ZEO setup with Plone and want to encrypt an existing filestorage, follow the article Encrypt your Plone Database <https://web.archive.org/web/20161031172029/https://webmeisterei.com/news/encrypt-your-plone-database>__

Run the tests/develop


$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 --no-site-packages .
$ ./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./bin/buildout

$ ./bin/test -v1