zopefoundation / zope.testing

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Renormalize exceptions without arguments #30

Closed cjwatson closed 3 years ago

cjwatson commented 3 years ago

When porting code from Python 2, it's sometimes necessary to handle doctests with expected output like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):

This happens when raising an exception with no arguments; there are a few cases like this in Launchpad. We can support this by making maybe_a_traceback slightly more liberal.

cjwatson commented 3 years ago

It's true that maybe_a_traceback is somewhat loose, though from its header comment it's not clear that it can be tightened up very much (in particular, it's not possible to check for the "Traceback" header because doctest preprocesses that away).

The ambiguity requires a bit more than your example as stated, though: maybe_a_traceback is only called (directly or indirectly) if the IGNORE_EXCEPTION_MODULE_IN_PYTHON2 option flag is set. So if this does become a problem in a given doctest file, then it can be fixed by only setting that option flag on examples that are expected to raise exceptions, just as you wouldn't set IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL on everything.

That said, at least zope.app.publisher and zope.app.testing fail with this, because they have tests that look like this in files where IGNORE_EXCEPTION_MODULE_IN_PYTHON2 is enabled globally:

  >>> print(http(wsgi_app, r"""
  ... POST /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1
  ... Authorization: Basic bWdyOm1ncnB3
  ... Content-Length: 73
  ... Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  ... type_name=BrowserAdd__zope.site.folder.Folder&new_value=f1"""))
  HTTP/1.1 303 See Other

So is the right thing to do: (a) to update these packages to set this option flag more selectively and bump zope.testing's major version number; (b) something more clever I haven't thought of; (c) drop the idea entirely?

mgedmin commented 3 years ago

Maybe we can make the matching criteria more strict, since "HTTP/1.1" is clearly not a valid Python dotted name.

cjwatson commented 3 years ago

OK, I've given this a go. What do you think? It seems to work for me: zope.app.publisher and zope.app.testing pass now, and it's good enough to unblock me in Launchpad. (If only doctest were less of an awful kludge; but I can't do much about that.)

cjwatson commented 3 years ago

@mgedmin Thanks, I've landed this. Would you mind doing a release?

mgedmin commented 3 years ago

@cjwatson, I don't mind, but I'd like to add Python 3.9 support, which also means migrating to GitHub Actions, which means I ought to learn how to use the scripts in https://github.com/zopefoundation/meta/, which will take some time.

I'd also like to grant you PyPI rights, if you would remind me what your PyPI username is?

cjwatson commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I had a go at that for zope.schema recently. Not too bad, mainly just involved a couple of preparatory PRs to sort out lint and such.

My PyPI username is cjwatson.

mgedmin commented 3 years ago

Oops, I nearly forgot all about the release while wrangling with linters and whatnot!

4.8 is out.