zopefoundation / zope.testing

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================= zope.testing

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This package provides a number of testing frameworks.

For complete documentation, see https://zopetesting.readthedocs.io

cleanup Provides a mixin class for cleaning up after tests that make global changes.

See zope.testing.cleanup

formparser An HTML parser that extracts form information.

This is intended to support functional tests that need to extract information from HTML forms returned by the publisher.

See zope.testing.formparser

loggingsupport Support for testing logging code

If you want to test that your code generates proper log output, you can create and install a handler that collects output.

See zope.testing.loggingsupport

module Lets a doctest pretend to be a Python module.

See zope.testing.module

renormalizing Regular expression pattern normalizing output checker. Useful for doctests.

See zope.testing.renormalizing

setupstack A simple framework for automating doctest set-up and tear-down.

See zope.testing.setupstack

wait A small utility for dealing with timing non-determinism

See zope.testing.wait

doctestcase Support for defining doctests as methods of unittest.TestCase classes so that they can be more easily found by test runners, like nose, that ignore test suites.

See zope.testing.doctestcase

Getting started developing zope.testing

zope.testing uses tox. To start, install tox using pip install tox. Now, run tox to run the zope.testing test suite.