zorael / kameloso

IRC bot with Twitch support
Boost Software License 1.0
9 stars 3 forks source link

Experimental Twitch polls #132

Closed zorael closed 2 years ago

zorael commented 2 years ago

This adds experimental support for Twitch !startpoll and !endpoll.

Twitch polls require you to be a Twitch partner or affiliate, and as such we cannot try it out live without help from someone who is. The Twitch API reference has example of response bodies though, so while it's technically untested, it should work.

In the case where there is more than one poll running, a call to !endpoll will cancel the first one (as seen in the response body when fetching information about current polls). If this is a problem it is easily improved.

The Votes plugin remains a solid alternative with its chat polls.