zorael / kameloso

IRC bot with Twitch support
Boost Software License 1.0
8 stars 3 forks source link
bot dlang irc irc-bot twitch twitch-bot

kameloso Linux/macOS/Windows Linux Windows Commits since last release

kameloso is an IRC bot. It is text-based and runs in your terminal or console.

So what does it do

All of the above are plugins and can be disabled at runtime or omitted from compilation entirely. It is modular and easy to extend. A skeletal Hello World plugin is less than 30 lines of code.

Please report bugs. Unreported bugs can only be fixed by accident.


-n       --nickname Nickname
-s         --server Server address [irc.libera.chat]
-P           --port Server port [6667]
-A        --account Services account name
-p       --password Services account password
           --admins Administrators' services accounts, comma-separated
-H   --homeChannels Home channels to operate in, comma-separated
-C  --guestChannels Non-home channels to idle in, comma-separated
           --bright Adjust colours for bright terminal backgrounds
            --color Use colours in terminal output (auto|always|never)
             --save Write configuration to file

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and Linux can be found under Releases.

To compile it yourself:

$ dub run kameloso -- --server irc.libera.chat --homeChannels "#mychannel" --guestChannels "#d"

## alternatively, guaranteed latest
$ git clone https://github.com/zorael/kameloso.git
$ cd kameloso
$ dub build
$ ./kameloso --server irc.libera.chat --homeChannels "#mychannel" --guestChannels "#d"

If there's anyone talking it should show on your screen.

Table of contents

Getting started

Grab a prebuilt Windows or Linux binary from under Releases (64-bit only); alternatively, download the source and compile it yourself.


The program can be built using the D reference compiler dmd, with the LLVM-based ldc and with the GCC-based gdc. dmd compiles very fast, while ldc and gdc are slower at compiling but produce faster code. Additionally, the latter two support more target architectures than dmd does (e.g. ARM). See here for an overview of the available compiler vendors.

You will need a compiler based on D version 2.086 or later (May 2019). For ldc you require a minimum of version 1.18, while for gdc you broadly need release series 12.

Some compiler versions exhibit bugs that may cause building to fail. If you run into errors when building, try updating to a newer compiler version.

If your repositories (or other software sources) don't have compilers recent enough, you can use the official install.sh installation script to download current ones, or any version of choice. Mind that gdc is not available via this script.

The package manager dub is used to facilitate compilation and dependency management. On Windows it is included in the compiler archive, while on Linux it may need to be installed separately. Refer to your repositories.

SSL libraries on Windows

See the known issues section for extra steps required to create secure connections.

(tl;dr: Run the program with --get-openssl and --get-cacert to download what is needed as a one-time setup.)

Downloading source

git clone https://github.com/zorael/kameloso.git

It can also be downloaded as a .zip archive.


dub build

This will compile the bot in the default debug build type, which adds some extra code and debugging symbols. You can omit these and have the compiler perform some optimisations by building it in release mode, by calling dub build -b release. Mind that build times will increase accordingly.

It is recommended that you use ldc for release builds.

Refer to the output of dub --annotate --print-builds for more build types.

Build configurations

There are two primary configurations in which the bot may be built.

Both configurations come in -lowmem variants; application-lowmem and twitch-lowmem; that lower compilation memory required at the cost of increased build times. This may help on memory-constrained systems, such as the Raspberry Pi.

List configurations with dub --annotate --print-configs. You can specify which to compile with the -c switch. Not supplying one will make it build the default application configuration.

dub build -c twitch

If you want to thin down the program and customise your own build to only compile the plugins you want to use, see the larger versions lists in dub.sdl. Simply add a character to the lines corresponding to the plugins you want to omit, thus invalidating the version identifiers and effectively disabling the code they relate to. Mind that disabling any of the *Service plugins may/will break the bot in subtle ways. All other plugins are optional.

How to use


The bot ideally wants the services account name of one or more administrators of the bot, and/or one or more home channels to operate in. Without either it's just a read-only log bot, which is admittedly also a completely valid use-case, but probably not what you want. To define these you can either supply them on the command line by use of flags listed by calling the program with --help, or by generating a configuration file with --save and entering them in there.

./kameloso --save

A new kameloso.conf will be created in a directory dependent on your platform.

Configuration file

Open the file in a normal text editor.

As a shortcut you can pass --gedit to attempt to automatically open it in a graphical editor, or --edit to open it in your default terminal one, as defined in the $EDITOR environment variable (where available).

Command-line arguments

You can make changes to your configuration file in-place by specifying some settings at the command line at the same time as --save.

$ ./kameloso \
    --server irc.libera.chat \
    --nickname "mybot" \
    --admins "me" \
    --homeChannels "#mychannel" \
    --guestChannels "#d,##networking" \
    --color=never \

[12:34:56] Configuration written to /home/user/.config/kameloso/kameloso.conf

Settings not touched will keep their values.

Display settings

The bot uses terminal ANSI colouring and text colours are by default set to go well with dark terminal backgrounds. If you instead have a bright background, text may be difficult to read (e.g. white on white), depending on your terminal emulator. If so, try passing the --bright argument, or modify the configuration file to enable brightTerminal under [Core] to make the setting persistent. If only some colours work, try limiting colouring some by disabling extendedColours, also under [Core]. If one or more colours are still too dark or too bright even with the right brightTerminal setting, please refer to your terminal appearance settings.

An alternative is to disable colours entirely with --color=never.

Other files

More server-specific resource files will be created the first time you connect to a server. Where these are placed is platform-dependent.

Example use

Refer to the wiki for more information on available plugins and their commands. Additionally, see this section about permissions if nothing happens when you try to invoke commands.

      you joined #channel
 kameloso sets mode +o you

      <you> I am a fish
      <you> s/fish/snek/
 <kameloso> you | I am a snek

    <blarf> I am a snek too
      <you> !addquote blarf I am a snek too
 <kameloso> Quote added at index #4.
      <you> !quote blarf
 <kameloso> I am a snek too (blarf #4 2022-04-04)
      <you> !quote blarf #3
 <kameloso> A Møøse once bit my sister (blarf #3 2022-02-01)
      <you> !quote blarf barnes and noble
 <kameloso> i got kicked out of barnes and noble once for moving all the bibles into the fiction section (blarf #0 2019-08-21)

      <you> !seen
 <kameloso> Usage: !seen [nickname]
      <you> !seen MrOffline
 <kameloso> I last saw MrOffline 1 hour and 34 minutes ago.

 <MsOnline> !note
 <kameloso> Usage: !note [nickname] [note text]
 <MsOnline> !note MrOffline About the thing you mentioned, yeah no
 <kameloso> Note added.
 MsOnline left #channel
MrOffline joined #channel
 <kameloso> MrOffline! MsOnline left note 4 hours and 28 minutes ago: About the thing you mentioned, yeah no

      <you> !operator add bob
 <kameloso> Added BOB as an operator in #channel.
      <you> !whitelist add alice
 <kameloso> Added Alice as a whitelisted user in #channel.
      <you> !blacklist del steve
 <kameloso> Removed steve as a blacklisted user in #channel.

      <you> !automode
 <kameloso> Usage: !automode [add|clear|list] [nickname/account] [mode]
      <you> !automode add ray +o
 <kameloso> Automode modified! ray on #channel: +o
      ray joined #channel
 kameloso sets mode +o ray

      <you> !oneliner new
 <kameloso> Usage: !oneliner new [trigger] [type] [optional cooldown]
      <you> !oneliner new info random
 <kameloso> Oneliner !info created! Use !oneliner add to add lines.
      <you> !oneliner add info @$nickname: for more information just use Google
 <kameloso> Oneliner line added.
      <you> !oneliner add info @$nickname: for more information just use Bing
 <kameloso> Oneliner line added.
      <you> !oneliner new vods ordered
 <kameloso> Oneliner !vods created! Use !oneliner add to add lines.
      <you> !oneliner add vods See https://twitch.tv/zorael/videos for $streamer's on-demand videos (stored temporarily)
 <kameloso> Oneliner line added.
      <you> !oneliner new source ordered
 <kameloso> Oneliner !source created! Use !oneliner add to add lines.
      <you> !oneliner add source I am $bot. Peruse my source at https://github.com/zorael/kameloso
 <kameloso> Oneliner line added.
      <you> !info
 <kameloso> @you: for more information just use Google
      <you> !info
 <kameloso> @you: for more information just use Bing
      <you> !oneliner modify
 <kameloso> Usage: !oneliner modify [trigger] [type] [optional cooldown]
      <you> !oneliner modify info random 10
 <kameloso> Oneliner !info modified to type random, cooldown 10 seconds
      <you> !vods
 <kameloso> See https://twitch.tv/zorael/videos for Channel's on-demand videos (stored temporarily)
      <you> !oneliner alias
 <kameloso> Usage: !oneliner alias [trigger] [existing trigger to alias]
      <you> !oneliner alias vods vod
 <kameloso> Oneliner !vod created as an alias to !vods!.
      <you> !vod
 <kameloso> See https://twitch.tv/zorael/videos for Channel's on-demand videos
      <you> !commands
 <kameloso> Available commands: !info, !vods, !source
      <you> !oneliner del vods
 <kameloso> Oneliner !vods removed.

      <you> !timer new
 <kameloso> Usage: !timer new [name] [type] [condition] [message threshold] [time threshold] [stagger message count] [stagger time]
      <you> !timer new mytimer ordered both 100 600 0 0
 <kameloso> New timer added! Use !timer add to add lines.
      <you> !timer add mytimer This is an announcement on a timer
 <kameloso> Line added to timer mytimer.
      <you> !timer add mytimer It is sent after 100 messages have been seen *AND* 600 seconds have passed
 <kameloso> Line added to timer mytimer.
(...time passes with activity in chat...)
 <kameloso> This is an announcement on a timer
(...time passes with activity in chat...)
 <kameloso> It is sent after 100 messages have been seen *AND* 600 seconds have passed
      <you> !timer suspend mytimer
 <kameloso> Timer suspended. Use !timer resume mytimer to resume it.
      <you> !timer resume mytimer
 <kameloso> Timer resumed!
      <you> !timer modify
 <kameloso> Usage: !timer modify [name] [type] [condition] [message count threshold] [time threshold] [stagger message count] [stagger time]
      <you> !timer modify mytimer random either 500 1h 50 5m
 <kameloso> Timer "mytimer" modified to type random, condition either, message threshold 500, time threshold 3600 seconds, stagger message count 50, stagger time 300 seconds

      <you> !poll
 <kameloso> Usage: !poll [seconds] [choice1] [choice2] ...
      <you> !poll 2m snik snek
 <kameloso> Voting commenced! Please place your vote for one of: snek, snik (2 minutes)
      <BOB> snek
    <Alice> snek
      <ray> snik
 <kameloso> Voting complete, results:
 <kameloso> snek : 2 (66.6%)
 <kameloso> snik : 1 (33.3%)

      <you> https://github.com/zorael/kameloso
 <kameloso> [github.com] GitHub - zorael/kameloso: IRC bot
      <you> https://youtu.be/ykj3Kpm3O0g
 <kameloso> [youtube.com] Uti Vår Hage - Kamelåså (HD) (uploaded by Prebstaroni)

(context: playing a video game)
      <you> !counter
 <kameloso> Usage: !counter [add|del|format|list] [counter word]
      <you> !counter add deaths
 <kameloso> Counter deaths added! Access it with !deaths.
      <you> !deaths+
 <kameloso> deaths +1! Current count: 1
      <you> !deaths+3
 <kameloso> deaths +3! Current count: 4
      <you> !deaths
 <kameloso> Current deaths count: 4
      <you> !deaths=0
 <kameloso> deaths count assigned to 0!
      <you> !counter format
 <kameloso> Usage: !counter format [counter word] [one of ?, +, - and =] [format pattern]
      <you> !counter format deaths ? strimmer has so far died $count times! D:
 <kameloso> Format pattern updated.
      <you> !counter format deaths + oh no, another death!
 <kameloso> Format pattern updated.
      <you> !deaths+
 <kameloso> oh no, another death!
      <you> !deaths+
 <kameloso> oh no, another death!
      <you> !deaths
 <kameloso> strimmer has so far died 2 times! D:
      <you> !counter format deaths ? -
 <kameloso> Format pattern cleared.

      <you> !stopwatch start
 <kameloso> Stopwatch started!
      <you> !stopwatch
 <kameloso> Elapsed time: 18 minutes and 42 seconds
      <you> !stopwatch stop
 <kameloso> Stopwatch stopped after 1 hour, 48 minutes and 10 seconds.

      <you> !time
 <kameloso> The time is currently 11:04 locally.
      <you> !time Europe/London
 <kameloso> The time is currently 10:04 in Europe/London.
      <you> !time Tokyo
 <kameloso> The time is currently 18:05 in Tokyo.
      <you> !setzone Helsinki
 <kameloso> Timezone changed to Europe/Helsinki.
      <you> !time
 <kameloso> The time is currently 12:05 in Europe/Helsinki.

Online help and commands

Use the !help command of the Help plugin for a summary of available bot commands, and !help [plugin] [command] for a brief description of a specific one. The shorthand !help !command also works.

The command prefix (here "!") is configurable; refer to your configuration file. Common alternatives are . (dot), ~ (tilde) and ?, making it .note, ~quote and ?counter respectively.

prefix                      "!"

It can technically be any string and not just one character. It may include spaces if enclosed within quotes.

Additionally, prefixing commands with the bot's nickname also always works, as in kameloso: seen MrOffline. Most administrative commands can only be called this way; notably everything that only outputs information to the local terminal.

If an empty prefix is set, commands may only be invoked by prefixing them with the bot's nickname.

Except nothing happens

Before allowing anyone to trigger any restricted functionality, the bot will try to identify the accessing user by querying the server for what services account that user is logged onto, if not already known. For full and global administrative privileges, you will need to be logged into services with an account listed in the admins field in the configuration file. Other users may have permissions defined per-channel in the users.json file, placed in your resource directory. These can also be managed online by commands provided by the Admin plugin.

If a user is not logged onto services, they are considered as not being uniquely identifiable, and thus cannot be resolved to an account.


Not all servers offer services, and in those cases you can enable hostmasks mode. This is a weaker solution to user identification, but it's better than nothing if services aren't available. With it enabled, the above still applies but "accounts" are derived from user hostmasks.

See the !hostmask command of the same Admin plugin (and the hostmasks.json resource file) for how to map hostmasks to would-be accounts.


If you're interested in trying the bot but don't want to run it yourself, contact me and I will host an instance for you on a headless server.

Copy paste-friendly concrete setup from scratch

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and Linux can be found under Releases (64-bit only).

./kameloso --setup-twitch

The --setup-twitch flag creates a configuration file with the server address and port already set to connect to Twitch, then opens it up in a text editor.

On Windows it additionally downloads and launches an installer for OpenSSL for Windows, which is required to create secure connections. Make sure to opt to install to Windows system directories when asked.

A line with a leading # is disabled, so remove any #s from the heads of entries you want to enable.

The program can then be run normally, though a few preparatory steps remain.


It should now start a terminal wizard requesting a new authorisation token, upon detecting it's missing one. See the long story section below for details.

Note that it will request a token for the user you are currently logged in as in your browser. If you want one for a different bot user instead, open up a private/incognito window, log into Twitch normally with the bot account there, copy this link, then follow it in that browser window instead. Refer to the terminal instructions again to continue.

After obtaining a token, it will save it to your configuration file and reconnect to the server. Provided there were no errors, the bot should now enter your channel. Say something in your chat in your browser and it should show in your terminal. If there were errors or snags, or if something was simply unintuitive, please file an issue so the process can be improved upon.

If you don't like the terminal colours, --color=never disables them.

Example configuration

nickname                    doesntmatter
user                        ignored
realName                    likewise

#password                   (ignore; do NOT enter your Twitch account password!)
pass                        (twitch.keygen authorisation token for bot account)
admins                      mainaccount
homeChannels                #mainaccount,#botaccount

address                     irc.chat.twitch.tv
port                        6697

enabled                     true
ecount                      true
watchtime                   true
watchtimeExcludesLurkers    true
songrequestMode             youtube
songrequestPermsNeeded      whitelist
mapWhispersToChannel        false
promoteBroadcasters         true
promoteModerators           true
promoteVIPs                 true
workerThreads               3

The port to use for a secure connection is 6697 (alternatively 443). For a non-encrypted connection, while heavily discouraged, use the default port 6667.

Long story

To connect to Twitch servers, you must first compile the twitch build configuration to include Twitch support. All pre-compiled binaries available from under Releases are already built this way.

You will also require an authorisation token. Assuming you have a configuration file set up to connect to Twitch, it will automatically start a terminal wizard requesting one on program startup, if none is present. Run the bot with --set twitch.keygen to force it if it doesn't, or if your token expired. (They last about 60 days.)

It will open a browser window in which you are asked to log into Twitch on Twitch's own servers. Verify this by checking the page address; it should end with .twitch.tv, with the little lock symbol showing the connection is secure.

Do note that at no point is the bot privy to your Twitch login credentials! The logging-in is wholly done on Twitch's own servers, and no information is sent to any third parties. The code that deals with all this is open for audit; requestTwitchKey in plugins/twitch/providers/twitch.d.

After entering your login and password and clicking Authorize, you will be redirected to an empty "this site can't be reached" or "unable to connect" page. Copy the URL address of it and paste it into the terminal, when prompted to. It will parse the address, extract your authorisation token, save it to your configuration file, and then finally connect to the server.

If you prefer to generate the token manually, here is the URL you need to follow. The key generation wizard only opens it for you, as well as automates saving the resulting token to your configuration file (as pass under [IRCBot]).

Mind that the authorisation token should still be kept secret. It's not possible to derive your Twitch account password from it, but anyone with access to it can chat as if they were you.

Twitch bot

Please make the bot a moderator to prevent its messages from being as aggressively rate-limited.

Assuming a prefix of !, commands to test are:

...alongside !oneliner, !counter, !timer, !poll (chat variant), !time, !stopwatch, and other non-Twitch-specific commands. Try !help or the wiki.

Note: . (dot) and / (slash) prefixes will not work on Twitch.

Song requests

To be able to serve song requests, you need to register an application to interface with Google (YouTube) and/or Spotify servers individually. To initiate the wizards for this, pass --set twitch.googleKeygen for YouTube and --set twitch.spotifyKeygen for Spotify, and follow the on-screen instructions. (They behave much like --set twitch.keygen.)

You may set up access tokens for both song request providers, but only one provider may be enabled at any one time. To control which, set songrequestMode to either youtube or spotify in your configuration file (under [Twitch]). A value of disabled disables the feature entirely.

Certain commands require higher permissions

Some functionality, such as setting the channel title or currently played game, require elevated credentials with the permissions of the channel owner (broadcaster), as opposed to those of any moderator. If you want to use such commands, you will need to generate an OAuth authorisation token for your main account separately, much as you generated one to be able to connect with the bot account. This will request a token from Twitch with different permissions, and the authorisation browser page should reflect this.

./kameloso --set twitch.superKeygen

Mind that you need to be logged into Twitch (in your browser) with your main (broadcaster) account while doing this, or the token obtained will be with permissions for the wrong channel. This is in contrast to --set twitch.keygen, with which it is recommended you use a separate bot account with only moderator status.

All keygens can be triggered at the same time.

./kameloso \
    --set twitch.keygen \
    --set twitch.superKeygen \
    --set twitch.googleKeygen \
    --set twitch.spotifyKeygen

Further help

For more information and help, first refer to the wiki.

If you still can't find what you're looking for, or if you have suggestions on how to improve the bot, you can...

Known issues



The dependency we use to create secure connections in turn requires OpenSSL to be installed. It is the standard library for such on every major platform -- except for Windows, which has its own solution in the form of Windows Secure Channel.

Run the program with the --get-openssl flag to download and launch the installer for OpenSSL for Windows v3.2.* (Light). When asked, make sure to opt to install to Windows system directories.

Certificate authority bundle

Said dependency does not have the ability to retrieve certificates from Windows' own certificate storage, so in addition to the system-wide installation of OpenSSL, you will also need a certificate authority bundle file. Pass --get-cacert on the command line and the program will download a copy of cacert.pem, as extracted from Mozilla Firefox by the curl project, and save it next to your configuration file.

You can pass both --get-openssl and --get-cacert at the same time for a one-time setup.

YouTube song request playlist integration errors

If you're seemingly doing everything right and you still get permissions errors when attempting to add a YouTube video clip to a playlist, redo the Google keygen. When you're asked to pick one of your accounts late in the process, make sure that you select a YouTube account, as opposed to an overarching Google account. It should say YouTube underneath the option.


Built with


This project is licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0 - see the LICENSE_1_0.txt file for details.
