zorrokid / film-freak

Android app for movie collection management
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link
android android-application dart firebase flutter flutter-ui sqlite


film_freak is WIP name for my collection management app which is mostly focusing on managing a movie collection but might support other types of media in future (games, music, books, comics etc).

It is desgined to be an off-line first app with synchronization to an online database.


It's implemented with Flutter SDK using Dart programming language and with bloc-library to implement BLoC pattern. This is my first serious attempt with Flutter and I must say I'm quite impressed with it. I really enjoy developing with Flutter and Dart.

Currently data is saved to a local SQLite database and I'm implementing a data synchronization with online database and user accounts through REST API: https://github.com/zorrokid/film-freak-api

One of the features I've been focusing from the start is using Google ML Kit to recognize text from images and implementing a widget to fill textual form fields by selecting text directly from a image.

Firebase Remote Config is used for storing configurations such as API keys.

The Movie Database API is used to fetch movie data for movie releases in collection.

Currently developing this only for Android target since possible to test only with Android devices.


Some of the features currently implemented are:

Data model

        release }o--o{ production : includes 
        release {
            string barcode
            string name
            int caseType
        production {
            int tmdbId
            string title
            string originalTitle
        collectionItem }o--|| release : isInstanceOf 
        collectionItem {
            int status
            int condition
        release ||--o{ releasePicture : has
        releasePicture {
            int pictureType
            string fileName
        release ||--o{ releaseMedia : has
        releaseMedia {
            int mediaType
        release ||--o{ releaseProperties : has
            int propertyType
        release ||--o{ releaseComments : has
            string comment 
        collectionItem ||--o{ collectionItemMedia : has
        collectionItemMedia }o--|| releaseMedia: isIstanceOf
        collectionItemMedia {
            int condition
        collectionItem ||--o{ collectionItemProperties : has 
        collectionItemProperties {
            int propertyType
        collectionItem ||--o{ collectionItemComments : has 
        collectionItemComments {
            string comment

Build & Run

To build, install and run this app you need to (more comprehensive instructions will be added later):

To install all the dependecies:

flutter pub get

To run in emulator or device in debug mode:

flutter run

To build an apk install package:

flutter build apk --split-per-abi


To run unit tests sqlite3 development libraries have to be installed.

My goal is to test especially blocs. Unit tests can be found under test-folder and can be run with:

flutter test

To update mockito-mocks:

dart run build_runner build


Create build flavors to build.gradle:

    flavorDimensions "default"

    productFlavors {
        dev {
            dimension "default"
            applicationIdSuffix ".dev"
        prd {
            dimension "default"
            applicationIdSuffix ".prd"

Created a new firebase project for dev-build: filmfreak-dev

I had already a firebase project filmfreak and google-services.json created with flutterfire CLI. I moved the existing google-services.json to a sub folder app/src/prod to be used for production build.

Add config for development build:

flutterfire config --project filmfreak-dev --android-app-id=com.zorrokid.film_freak.dev --out=lib/firebase_options_dev.dart

Move generated new google-services.json to a sub folder app/src/dev

Add config for production build accordingly.

flutterfire config --project filmfreak-prd --android-app-id=com.zorrokid.film_freak.prd --out=lib/firebase_options_prd.dart

Move generated new google-services.json to a sub folder app/src/prd

NOTE: separate firebaseoptions.dart files were created and they're used in separate build specific main_.dart files accordingly.

Build appbundle with flavor:

development version:

flutter build appbundle --flavor dev

Build and install production version

production version (arm64):

flutter build apk --flavor prd --target-platform android-arm64 --target=lib/main_prd.dart


WARNING! running flutter install will first uninstall the previous version thus clearing also user data including local database!

flutter install --flavor prd --use-application-binary=build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-prd-release.apk

To retain local database use adb install instead (Thanks for this tip github copilot!)

adb install build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-prd-release.apk