zorxx / bmp180

MIT License
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bmp180 Library

This library provides support for the Bosch BMP180 Digital Pressure Sensor

This library currently supports the following platforms:

Add this component to an esp-idf project with the following command:

idf.py add-dependency "zorxx/bmp180"

Source for this project may be found at https://github.com/zorxx/bmp180.


The API for this library can be found in the include/bmp180.h header file.

Fully-functional example applications for each supported platform can be found in the example directory.

Example esp-idf code-snippet:

#include "bmp180/bmp180.h"
i2c_lowlevel_config config;
config.port = I2C_NUM_0;
config.pin_sda = GPIO_NUM_21;
config.pin_scl = GPIO_NUM_22;
bmp180_t *ctx = bmp180_init(&config, DEVICE_I2C_ADDRESS, BMP180_MODE_HIGH_RESOLUTION);
if(NULL != ctx)
   float temperature;
   uint32_t pressure; 
   if(bmp180_measure(ctx, &temperature, &pressure))
      ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Temperature: %.2f, Pressure: %u", temperature, pressure);

Example linux code-snippet:

#include "bmp180/bmp180.h"
i2c_lowlevel_config config;
config.device = "/dev/i2c-0";
bmp180_t *ctx = bmp180_init(&config, DEVICE_I2C_ADDRESS, BMP180_MODE_HIGH_RESOLUTION);
if(NULL != ctx)
   float temperature;
   uint32_t pressure; 

   if(bmp180_measure(ctx, &temperature, &pressure))
      fprintf(stderr, "Temperature: %.2f, Pressure: %" PRIu32, temperature, pressure);

Unit Test

A unit test application to validate the implementation of temperature and pressure compensation calculations can be found in the test directory of this repository.


All files delivered with this library are released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.