VueCesium, a Vue 2.x & Vue 3.x based component library of CesiumJS for GISer.
has reached over 1000 stars! Thank you all for your support and contributions.This is the Vue2 version of VueCesium! Go to new version to get the updated version!
This project has stopped maintenance, it is recommended to use the Vue3 version of VueCesium.
VueCesium, a Vue 2.x & Vue 3.x based component library of CesiumJS for GISer.
Support loading official CesiumJS, or third-party platforms based on CesiumJS:
npm i --save vue-cesium@2.4.2
// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueCesium from 'vue-cesium@2.4.2'
import lang from 'vue-cesium/lang/zh-hans'
// import lang from 'vue-cesium/lang/en-us'
Vue.use(VueCesium, {
cesiumPath: ''
<div class="viewer">
.viewer {
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
// main.js
import lang from 'vue-cesium/lang/zh-hans'
// import lang from 'vue-cesium/lang/en-us'
Vue.use(VueCesium, {
// cesiumPath is the web service address that guides the use of Cesium.js, which can be a local or CDN address such as
// cesiumPath: /static/Cesium/Cesium.js
// cesiumPath: ''
// cesiumPath: ''
cesiumPath: '',
// If you need to use Cesium ion resources, you need to specify it. Go to to apply for an account and get Access Token. If it is not specified, it may cause the loading of CesiumIon's online images and terrain to fail.
accessToken: 'Your Cesium Ion defaultAccessToken',
lang: lang // 2.0.3+ // zh-hans
Copyright (c) 2018-present, zouyaoji
This project wouldn't exist without our amazing contributors
Two good vue components projects: vue-baidu-map and vuelayers.