zowe / community

Zowe Community - Sub-projects, Squads, Contribution Guidelines, Meeting Minutes, and more
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Zowe Community

This guide will help you navigate the Zowe community, and learn more on how to contribute and provide feedback. If you look for more information please take a look at Zowe.org, if you are user looking for help the documentation for the project lives here

Communication Channels

All community activities are scheduled on the Zowe Community calendar. All meetings are an open invitation for any community member to join.

You can also engage fellow community members through these channels


The Zowe community uses Slack as the primary means of interacting to facilitate active collaboration through the following channels.

Register an account with Slack at https://slack.openmainframeproject.org

Sub-project specific channels:

Operations channels:

Mailing Lists

Community Forums

Look for discussion on Zowe topics on the Open Mainframe Project Community Forums.


All code in Zowe aligns with the established licensing and copyright notice guidelines

Submit an issue

You can submit an issue (Bug or Feature) on Zowe in general at https://github.com/zowe/community/issues/new/choose. If you have an issue that is specific to a squad or specific repository, feel free to submit an issue against a specific repo.

Pull Request Guidelines

Pull requests cannot be merged without the approval of at least one maintainer, who will be looking for the pull request to meet requirements as follows:

Reporting Security Issues

Please direct all security issues to zowe-security@lists.openmainframeproject.org. A member of the security group will reply to acknowledge receipt of the vulnerability and coordinate remediation with the affected squad.