zpropheter / Jamf-Log-Grabber

Finds logs and plists related to Jamf management settings
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List Daemons and Agents that have "Jamf" as part of them #10

Closed zpropheter closed 5 months ago

zpropheter commented 6 months ago

Customer Daemons and Agents are useful data to parse for admins and support. By adding a search for any daemons with jamf as a keyword we can see if anything extra is running in background

Something like:


sudo grep -r "jamf" ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ /Library/LaunchAgents/ /Library/LaunchDaemons/ /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Then create a while/do loop to copy over those Agents and Daemons while omitting the default jamf installed daemons and plists

zpropheter commented 5 months ago

Added feature to pull all Agents and Daemons but omit exact matches for the files that are associated with standard Jamf Apps. As a failsafe JLG still copies that information over but notifies user of findings in results.txt file.