zrygan / DSA-Project

Repository for CCDSALG Projects by Balcita, V., Ganituen, Z., and Jimenez, J.
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Repository for CCDSALG (Data Structures and Algorithms) course projects at De La Salle Univerity.

Balcita, V., Ganituen, Z., and Jimenez, J. 2024

How To

  1. Simply clone the repository via: https://github.com/zrygan/CCDSALG-MCOs.git
  2. Using the command line, go to the directory location of the main file main.c.
  3. Execute the main file.
    1. Using bat file:
      1. Run the command zry.
    2. Using gcc -Wall and I/O redirection separately:
      1. Run gcc -Wall main.c <...> (remember to include all .c files here)
      2. Run TESTCASE.txt < a > RESULT.TXT

Files and Directories

  1. main.c: contains the main method
  2. queue.c and queue.h: the source and header files for the queue data structure (PART 1).
  3. stack.c and stack.h: the source and header files for the stack data structure (PART 1).
  4. inToPost.c: infix to postfix algorithm source file.
  5. evalPost.c: evaluate postfix algorithm source file.
  6. TEXTCASE.txt: contains the test case for file I/O redirection.
  7. RESULT.txt: contains the result of the test case for file I/O redirection.
  8. zry.bat: batch file to combine needed command prompt commands in a single command.
  9. docs/..: contains the specs, to-do list, and other developer documentation.

