zscaler / zpa-openshift

MIT License
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ZPA App Connector Openshift Helm Chart

This repository contains the official ZPA App Connector Helm chart for Openshift.


Helm 3 \ Openshift 4.11 \ Metrics Server

Docker image

This process assumes you have full network access to the docker images hosted on



In order to install the zpa-app-connector-openshift please use the below steps

  1. Login as kubeadmin and switch to default project. You will be on the default project when you login as kubeadmin unless there is a change in the settings. So you would not need any command to move to default project. \ If you are not on the default, please use the command\ oc project default

  1. Install the helm chart From the folder , \ helm install [NAME] [CHART] [flags] \ helm install [NAME] --set zsglobal.provisionkey.value="<provision_key>" zpa-app-connector-openshift-0.1.0.tgz \ You can retrieve the provisioning key from the ZPA Admin Portal. To learn more, see About App Connector Provisioning Keys.

  1. Verify if the pods are running. zscaler-zpa is the namespace that is added when this helm chart is installed \ oc get pods -n zscaler-zpa