zsquareplusc / python-msp430-tools

The project provides a number of scripts to work with the MSP430 embedded processor. Such as up/download firmware with JTAG, BSL or GDB (proxy) as well as working with different formats of binaries (ihex, titext, hexdump, ELF). The full functionality is also available as Python library.
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==================================== MSP430 Tools |build-status| |docs|

The python-msp430-tools are a collection of tools related to the MSP430 embedded processor.

Python_ 2.6 or newer (2.x series) is required for most modules. The python package "msp430" can be installed with "python setup.py install". These modules can be used as standalone applications or as library for other programs.


For API documentation, usage and examples see files in the "doc" directory. The ".rst" files can be read in any text editor or being converted to HTML or PDF using Sphinx. A HTML version is online at https://python-msp430-tools.readthedocs.io

Download tools

Command line tools, e.g. python -m msp430.gdb.target. They can up and download memory of MSP430 targets.

Other tools

Description of Python library

msp430 Root package for the Python modules related to the MSP430.

msp430.asm A simple assembler and linker, also a disassembler, supporting MSP430(X).

msp430.bsl Support for the boot strap loader. msp430.bsl.target is the main package for the downloader and contains subclassed modules for target specific BSL hardware.

msp430.bsl5 Support for the boot strap loader of F5xx/F6xx devices. msp430.bsl5.hid is the main module for the downloader for F5xx USB devices and msp430.bsl5.uart for all others.

msp430.jtag JTAG tools using the MSP430[mspgcc] library. msp430.jtag.target is the main module for the downloader.

msp430.gdb Communicate with a GDB server/proxy. msp430.gdb.target is the main module for the downloader.

msp430.memory Memory implementation, used to store an memory image used to download to the MSP430. File format handlers are here too. Interesting submodules are:

msp430.shell.commands Shell commands, useful for makefiles etc.

msp430.shell.watch Watch a file for changes and execute a command in that case.

msp430.listing Parser for listing files.

msp430.legacy Support code for older tools.

.. _examples: https://github.com/zsquareplusc/python-msp430-tools/tree/master/examples .. _Python: http://python.org/ .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/ .. |build-status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/zsquareplusc/python-msp430-tools.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/zsquareplusc/python-msp430-tools :alt: Build status .. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/python-msp430-tools/badge/?version=latest :target: http://python-msp430-tools.readthedocs.io/ :alt: Documentation