zunath / SWLOR_NWN

Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
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Revamp - Bugs #6 #1402

Closed zunath closed 2 years ago

zunath commented 2 years ago

Tracking bugs found in revamp testing. New thread created as the old one was getting cluttered.

Bug ticket 1: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1130 Bug ticket 2: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1359 Bug ticket 3: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1380 Bug ticket 4: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1387 Bug ticket 5: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1396

zunath commented 2 years ago

It's possible to double search scavenge points. Click on one from an angle where you can't open it. Then move around and click again from when you can. Opening it will result in two search rolls with two chances to spawn contents - but still only XP based on the second roll.

zunath commented 2 years ago

The code in the attack roll that determines the character's facing uses their facing -before- the attack not their facing during it. If a character turns to attack, they will be treated as having their old facing for the purpose of backstab calculations. This is abusable.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Seems the ui bugs out when you go from ship to land, my HP bar is stacked up all of saying i have 40 HP /40 like my ship when it also displays the normal amounts



zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Dying in space while piloting a ship, and then respawning appears to result in respawning as the ship model, not the character model. This happened when I was DM killed so I could return to the hanger quickly by respawn. I had 50 piloting, 5 perks invested to pilot the ship, and I was piloting the Striker with no modifications.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Logging out and back in after being subdued, but before the knockdown has expired, seems to cause the "Fatigued" debuff to not take effect, resulting in being much less slowed down

Zun note: Not going to bother with this one. If it becomes a real problem of players abusing it, we can revisit it. I'm fine with it for now though.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Auto-crafting a basic knife ended up with myself getting stuck on the crafting interface.

Bug Report Went to autocraft a Basic Longsword and it is stuck at max progress. No way to close the screen or anything.

Bug Report autocrafting bugs out the window, requires the client to be restarted to work again.

Bug Report ~~I went to craft via the auto-crafter in engineering, specifically the 1x Armor Enhancement: - Craftsmanship - Smithery, and after reaching max progress, it's gotten me stuck at what I would presume would be max progress before simply hanging there. I've been here for about ten minutes so I think it's a bug?~~

Bug Report Using the autocrafting feature for noodles caused the progress to go to 26/25 and get stuck.

Bug Report Tried autocrafting Combat Laser III. The progress bar went to 143/137 and got stuck there. I can't even close the window.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report While AI works fine to reacquire targets after recovering from most crowd control (yay!), there is still an issue where after recovering from Force Stun and Mind Trick enemies will not attack any targets until something happens to generate enmity with them again.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Saber Strike and Force Spark appear to be bugged still. They don't apply a debuf to evasion, or it doesn't display correctly.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report DM's cannot hear speech when possessing NPC's, over any channel (holonet, talk, dm, etc.)

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The cloud effect from Bombs (Fire and Gas) do not damage the player who used them, allowing you to stand in clouds of fire and toxic gas. Epic as it is, might not be the best ;)

Bug Report Fire/Gas Bombs from Devices do not do damage to anyone.

Bug Report Incendiary bomb rank 1 does not seem to be doing any damage tested it on diffrent enermys

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Unintentional, but you can use the Knockdown ability from martial arts with seemingly any weapon (or at least, with blaster rifles). Honestly I kind of like having it be versatile and another source of CC for players, and it requires a decent investment in the skill to access... but at the same time is definitely a bug.

Zun note: I'm fine with this. wontfix

zunath commented 2 years ago

There is no way to access the lower portions of the Republic Base as their is no key item that allows the doors to be opened to the transition.

Bug Report The Jedi Temple is missing more doors. Door to the Training Room, door to the Dormitories, door to the hallway to the Council Chambers, Archives, and Hangar are all missing.

Bug Report Stuck in Sith base, no transition out. Area Name Viscara - Sith Lake Outpost Area Tag ViscaraSithLakeOutpostInterior Area Resref v_sithlake_int

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Players with high force skill ranks and low lightsaber skill ranks are unable to gain XP unless they disable the Force XP share option in their settings menu.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force XP share does not apply to Saberstaffs. Update the setting option too.

Bug Report It seems that killing things with a saberstaff, at least the Twin Electroblade 1, is not giving xp towards any skills in combat.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Zun note: Ensure the following items are NOT enhancements. Enhancements cannot and should not be stackable.

Bug Report Strange Pineapple does not stack in Inventory.

Bug Report "Vegetable Clump" item does not stack in inventory.

Bug Report Mushroooms also dont stack in inventory. Seems to be common for cooking items apart form meat, which does stack correctly.

Bug Report Steel does not stack in the inventory unlike Aluminum. Bug Report Steel doesn't stack

Bug Report Crystals and Obsidian also do not stack in the inventory, unlike Aluminum.

Bug Report Flour, Sugar, Distilled water, and butter should become stackable based on the amount needed per food item.

Bug Report Many of the cooking items do not seem to stack, such as Flour, Chocolate, Fruits and Veggies, Viscaran Rosemary, and Honey like more just haven't seen them yet.

Bug Report Viscaran Flour does not stack.

Bug Report Bright flour does not stack.

Bug Report Viscaran Rosemary does not stack

Bug Report Viscaran Orange does not stack

Bug Report Agate only is stacking to 10

Bug Report Noted that you logged agate only stacking to 10 as a bug; I would like to confirm that Rubies also only stack to 10. Presumably, all gems follow this pattern.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Space.CalculateChanceToHit(UInt32 attacker, UInt32 defender) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Space.cs:line 1333 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.ShipModuleDefinition.MissileLauncherModuleDefinition.PerformAttack(UInt32 activator, UInt32 target, Int32 dmg, Int32 attackBonus, Nullable`1 hitOverride) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\ShipModuleDefinition\MissileLauncherModuleDefinition.cs:line 32 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.ShipModuleDefinition.MissileLauncherModuleDefinition.<>cDisplayClass3_1.b2() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\ShipModuleDefinition\MissileLauncherModuleDefinition.cs:line 108 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.CoreGameManager.SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.ICoreEventHandler.OnClosure(UInt64 eid, UInt32 oidSelf) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\CoreGameManager.cs:line 75

Zun note: happening because of the delay on missiles targeting a destroyed/null target.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Exception type: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException Message : Conversation 'PublicStarport' is not registered. Did you create a class for it? Stacktrace: at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Dialog.GetConversation(String key) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Dialog.cs:line 61 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Dialog.LoadConversation(UInt32 player, UInt32 talkTo, String class, Int32 dialogNumber) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Dialog.cs:line 583 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Dialog.StartConversation(UInt32 player, UInt32 talkTo, String class) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Dialog.cs:line 519 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.PlaceableScripts.GenericConversation() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\PlaceableScripts.cs:line 103 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

Bug Report Trying to land from Hutlar Orbit is not possible, it offers no options.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Apparently, there is no option to craft saberstaves in the Smithing skill (or any other crafting skill). Only 1-h lightsabers are available.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sometimes in combat, using a heal/buff ability after targetting hostiles, it instead attacks the intended target of the buff/heal ability.

Bug Report Using a med kit while in combat makes you attack who you use the medkit on.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The chairs on the east side of the dining table in the Jedi Temple Dorm area have their sitting-triggers facing backwards.

Bug Report Seats in the temple dining room main chairs (east side) have the sit emote facing the wrong way.

Bug Report I can't sit on the seats near the pyre.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Unable to edit the appearance of finesse vibroblades, the NUI says "no item is equipped or equipped items cannot be modified."

Ophidian Knife

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report "this ship's controls are in use" on the ship (light freighter) after using the /exit command to exit deep space mode.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The many rp merchants in town in Tatooine don't function anymore. Like Verpex.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Womprats still have "On Hit: Slow = DC 16"

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Gostian Astroids give wrong ores when harvested.

Bug Report Gostian Asteroid gave me Barinium.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report These valley nashtahs and charmogs are not fighting back while I am wacking them. I am not using any stun abilities so it may be a bug cause they didnt do that before. This is the area to the west of the main city on starting planet the second instance area it is mountianous and full of these valley creatures.

Bug Report The Mandalorian enemies in the Mandalorian Facility aren't attacking when aggroed. When attacked, they don't fight back, though some animations play as normal.

Bug Report I seem to be able to shoot enemies from so far away with my blaster rifle that they just don't aggro at all.

Bug Report Force Drain taking much longer than 6 seconds to fire another blast.

Zun note: Probably lag related.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report I think Sand Beetles still have base-game damage reduction -/4 against physical

Zun note: This isn't on their skin. Either it's already been fixed or some other effect was granting the resistance. Regardless, I'm fine with it working that way.

zunath commented 2 years ago

01:40:19 INF] C# Script 'open_citizenship' threw an exception. Details: swlor-server_1 | swlor-server_1 | Exception type: System.NullReferenceException swlor-server_1 | Message : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. swlor-server_1 | Stacktrace: swlor-server_1 | at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Property.OpenCitizenshipMenu() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Property.cs:line 2100 swlor-server_1 | at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

Zun note: Happens as a DM.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sand demons have on-hit paralysis DC 16

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Hey! Provoke I and Provoke II do not seem to be working very well. Most of the times the mobs just ignore me after I use the abilities.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Damage amplifiiers for ships seem to not stack. With each other. Considering damage and what you fight, it may be a non-issue.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Ran into a bug on Shirri with his HP calculations, I had enough gear to give him a good amount of HP, and it turned out to reduce his total HP count from 510 to 280 when everything was equipped. Below is his stat/gearblock:

23 VIT Torso: Forza Tunic (+20 HP) Belt: Byysk Belt (+25 HP) Helm: Quark Help (+45 HP) Arms: Quark Bracer (+40 HP) Cloak: Agent Cloak Boots: Quark Leggings (+45 HP) Amulet: Byysk Necklace (+25 HP) Ring1: Byysk Ring (+25 HP) Ring2: Agent Ring

Having all +HP pieces equipped reduces HP count to 280 from a higher value.

Bug Report Equipping Supreme Cap reduces HP cap significantly. With current equipment (Eclipse Armor, Belt, Rings, Necklace, and Cloak + Supreme Gloves, and Boots) I have 295 max HP. When equipping the Supreme Cap this reduces to 80.

Bug Report equipping T5 transcendant cap causes Vilnia's HP to drop from 355 to 120



Bug Report Filling the last equippable slot for either armor/jewelry causes max HP to effectively halve.

for some visual clarification this is HP after equipping every slot


this is after, say, unequipping a single ring image

Bug Report Max HP does not update correctly when equpping/unequpping gear until a healing ability is used.

Bug Report My chest armors have completely stopped giving stats, both my craftset and my combat set.

Zun note: Implemented a fix for item swapping. We'll need to manually fix any players who submit a ticket.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Pistols when you use rapid shot and 0 ranks in pistol mastery get 4 attacks per round. Getting pistol mastery 1 reduces the amount of attacks to 3 per round when rapid shot is enabled.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Can't enter the Big hole. I have never had this problem before, I swear; it's just nervousness. Area Name Tatooine - Arid Hilly Desert Area Tag anchor_rte_com02 Area Resref tat_anc_aridhill

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The transition here has a placeable right next to it that needs to be moved a bit back so that it can be approached, as it blocks movement coming up to it. Area Name Mon Cala - Sharptooth Jungle - South Area Tag MonCalaCoralIslesSharptoothJungl Area Resref moncalajungelsu

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Striking Cobra III is not able to be activated. Upon clicking it in the quickbar, it says that it can only be used on enemies, but it is unavailable to be used on enemies. I think it is supposed to be coded to be an attack steroid like Electric Fist, but it does not.

Bug Report The 'Cobra Strike' perk appears to not be functioning. I can't use it from my hotbar and I can't target enemies using the radial menu and use it from there. Everytime I do, I am hit with the message 'You may only use this ability on enemies'.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Reviors in the Viscara - Deep Mountains have a tendency to spawn on the high mountain edges that are not accessible.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report After completing the Mandalorian Leader quest, the choice rewards all only say continue.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report there is no animation on force healing

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report This prefab is subject to weather. Area Name [Prefab] Ships Area Tag Pref_ShipBattle Area Resref pref_shipbattle

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Repeat quests of a specific type will show up as "Accepted" in the Hunters' Guild, despite not accepting them.

Bug Report The agricultural guild is showing "Accepted" for quest I had completed prior to the last server reset, though it allows me to accept them again.

Bug Report Possible this has already been reported. Tasks from guild masters do not update their status properly. For example if you have accepted and completed a Hunter task to take out X number of a creature it will still show ACCEPTED if it populates again and you don't have it in your quest log.

Bug Report Some hunters quests are showing as accepted before even taking the quest, so on clicking into the quest as if to turn in the quest, it asks if you want to accept the quest, does not change to available by backing out.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Ophidian Great Sword's appearance cannot be modified, and the base model has a visual bug of a bag tacked onto it.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Several players are experiencing an issue where they cannot use abilities. They receive a message indicating "You are busy." Dying and respawning does not fix.

Zun note: Could have been related to the auto craft bug. Closing it for now.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report ~~Mon Cala refineries are non functional, behaving like containers and not taking power cores and taking ore while active.~~

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report For some reason some meat refuses to stack despite other instances of the exact same meat being stackable.

Zun note: Likely related to legacy items mixed in with new items.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Scordspar Veins say they require "a level 1 harvester or higher" when using a level 1 harvester.

Zun note: off by one error probably

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Mon Cala Amphi-Hydrus don't have electrical damage nor do they use their abilities.

Zun note: Not sure this is a bug.

Zun note: Closing this out for now. Not really a bug, just a difference between legacy and revamp.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Apart from the Dockhand and vendors there seem to be no other NPCs in The Elite Hotel on Mon Cala. The random civilians that used to be there in legacy are now missing.

Zun note: Crossing this out. Whoever added the NPCs needs to make the changes as they were not provided for the revamp update despite repeated requests.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report All hunters guild bags from T2 to T5 have the wrong type of weight reduction added to them. They only reduce the weight of the bag itself, not the contents within the bag.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Not sure if Force Stun is worked as intended. Force Stun III states that it effects 'all targets within 10m', however when I tested it on a group of 3, it appears to have applied to the first enemy on which my roll succeeded, then it jumped to a 2nd enemy, but my roll failed. It did not jump to the third enemy after that. Appears to be working as more of a chain than a 'effects all targets within 10m'.