zunath / SWLOR_NWN

Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic server code, a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights
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Bugs #8 #1451

Closed zunath closed 2 years ago

zunath commented 2 years ago

Tracking bugs found in revamp testing. New thread created as the old one was getting cluttered.

Bug ticket 1: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1130 Bug ticket 2: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1359 Bug ticket 3: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1380 Bug ticket 4: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1387 Bug ticket 5: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1396 Bug ticket 6: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1402 Bug ticket 7: https://github.com/zunath/SWLOR_NWN/issues/1421

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The cloud effect from Bombs (Fire and Gas) do not damage the player who used them, allowing you to stand in clouds of fire and toxic gas. Epic as it is, might not be the best ;)

Bug Report Fire/Gas Bombs from Devices do not do damage to anyone.

Bug Report Incendiary bomb rank 1 does not seem to be doing any damage tested it on diffrent enermys

~`Bug Report~~ Adhesive Grenade does not wear off on other PCs without them logging out.

Bug Report It appears as if the skill Adheisive grenade at least at the highest level, does not work. Every enemy i have used it on, it hasn't done anything.

Bug Report Kolto Recovery III is not healing allies that are nearby

Bug Report It seems that Kolto grenades stack when used in succession on the player. I do not know if this is intentional or not but i thought i'd report it anyway.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sometimes in combat, using a heal/buff ability after targetting hostiles, it instead attacks the intended target of the buff/heal ability.

Bug Report Using a med kit while in combat makes you attack who you use the medkit on.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Damage amplifiiers for ships seem to not stack. With each other. Considering damage and what you fight, it may be a non-issue.

Zun note: These seem to be working fine. People may be thinking damage amplifiers increase DMG but it actually increases Attack.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Repeat quests of a specific type will show up as "Accepted" in the Hunters' Guild, despite not accepting them.

Bug Report The agricultural guild is showing "Accepted" for quest I had completed prior to the last server reset, though it allows me to accept them again.

Bug Report Possible this has already been reported. Tasks from guild masters do not update their status properly. For example if you have accepted and completed a Hunter task to take out X number of a creature it will still show ACCEPTED if it populates again and you don't have it in your quest log.

Bug Report Some hunters quests are showing as accepted before even taking the quest, so on clicking into the quest as if to turn in the quest, it asks if you want to accept the quest, does not change to available by backing out.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Not sure if Force Stun is worked as intended. Force Stun III states that it effects 'all targets within 10m', however when I tested it on a group of 3, it appears to have applied to the first enemy on which my roll succeeded, then it jumped to a 2nd enemy, but my roll failed. It did not jump to the third enemy after that. Appears to be working as more of a chain than a 'effects all targets within 10m'.

Zun note: Wild tested and it seems to work as intended

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report While possessing an Jedi Temple Guard NPC I was unable to hear a Wookie player at all. I assume it's because the NPC doesn't know Shyriiwook, but I wasn't even able to hear the untranslated growling.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The Vellen Flesheaters in the Swamp drop the Coxxion Base map instead of the Swamp map.

The Western Swamplands or whatever it's called does seem to drop the correct map however.

zunath commented 2 years ago


Bug Report Issue : Quest not accepting.

Location : Hutlar.

NPC : Guylan Verruchi.

Summary : The quest given by Guylan regarding the power structures that have to be checked isn't accepting properly upon completion of the dialogue. Quest log doesn't update, system messages don't verify it's been accepted and the aforementioned power structures aren't interactable.

Bug Report Hutlar power conduit quest doesn't activate when you talk to the quest-giver. The conversation happens as normal, but the journal doesn't update and the conduits can't be interacted with.

Bug Report The avenging the captain quest on Veles does not give a reward if you choose the 'continue' option instead of one of the weapons

Bug Report The quest 'Stuff Keeps Breaking!' demands 1 flawed leather, 1 flawed electronics and 1 agate. When I delivered the quest it said 'it requires 0 agate' and then ate all three items without giving mission completion.

Bug Report Quests here still require repair kits with Farah that no longer exist.

Bug Report The hunters guild gives a quest for 6x Mandalorian Polearm Parts and another one for 6x Mandalorian Blaster Parts. Several runs of the Mandalorian compound results in only drops of spears, pistols, and blaster rifles no parts, which don't count towards quest turn in. I believe the nessicary items have been removed from the loot table on rework.

Bug Report Mandalorians do not seem to be dropping weapon parts such as vibroblades or blaster parts.

Bug Report The twi'lek in the noxion compound wants repair kits. Those no longer exist.

Bug Report Mando weapon parts needed for hunters guild quests do not drop from the mandos or the boxes in the Mando facility.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report The 2nd level of vegetable patch doesn't seem to be spawning. I also would suggest that the swamp vines would share the same loot table or any loot table since they don't seem to have one?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Power attack doesnt seem to do anything. When attacking an enemy the accuracy was the same as when I had the setting off. So, I assume the damage might also be the same

Bug Report Power Attack does not update DMG increase on the character sheet, and does not update hit chance on the combat log. Either it just doesn't display or doesn't work.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Using offensive abilities like double-shot and rocket do not break the stealth of the stealh field generator ability.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Re-applying Burst of Speed while you already have it, or waiting until it wears off, lowers your speed until you toggle dash back off and on.

Bug Report When combining Dash with Burst of Speed movement speed effect and when Burst of Speed runs out one needs to disable and enable Dash in order to get the two to stack again.

After testing multiple times on why the speed gets decreased during dash, the decrease in speed will commence when the serveer either crashes with dash on or you log out with dash on.

Bug Report Bug: Burst of Speed - I've done some more testing. Dash seems to break when Burst of Speed's effect wears off, thus returning the player to 'base' speed. (Slow.)

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Looted Mon Calan Seaweed of a Vegetable Patch on Hutlar.

BUG: VEGETABLE_PATCH_4 does not seem to be spawning in the locations it is set to spawn at, E.g. tatoiine, only the tatoiine herbs. Farmed for 2 hours and found 0 vegetable patches.

Bug Report Dropped I Tattooine Desert Saga on Huttlar.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force Powers Disturbance and Spark do not appear to reduce a target's accuracy or evasion as it specifies it does.

Bug Report Ability Saber Strike (one-handed) does not appear to reduce a target's evasion.

Disturbance doesn't seem to lower targets accuracy.

zunath commented 2 years ago

when I wear a helmet it appears to be SUPER large. I also feel like my Wookiee has shrunk, or appears small to me, but I could also be miss seeing things.

Bug Report Enlarged helmet on Wookie playermodel. Unsure if this has been reported before as this has occurred several days ago. Also feels like playermodel has shrunk and I'm not as tall as I should be.

Bug Report There is a bug with the Twi'lek .2da files controlling the camera. When using a Twi'lek character, your camera is off-center and low, when zoomed in, you are staring at their pelvis, causing everything to seem eerily off-center. It's unpleasant, but I'm a little OCD, so that checks out.

Bug Report That bug about cameras zooming in on twi'lek chests probably isn't limited to twi'leks, on account of the fact I can't stare into my beautiful shining red eyes properly anymore. (Chiss (males?) also got the dodgy camera zoom)

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report For Althea: The use of Elven Race for her character pheno?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Character sits in "Chair, Chancellor" sideways.


zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Athena: Tried Subdual Mode on Sandra and It did not leave the player with 1HP, or dizzy..

Bug Report It seems if one player has subdual on, they can only be subdued. If a player attacks them and kills them with subdual off, they will be subdued.

Bug Report I had subdual on for a fight against another player, the box was checked as usual, and it still killed the player anyway.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report A Pirate Ferron tried to ambush my ship. It could deal no damage to me, and when I flew close to it, it blew itself up.

Zun note: Make it so missile launchers cannot hurt their users when an NPC uses them.

Bug Report I moved out of range of a Pirate Ferron and it started attacking itself and eventually killed itself. I suspect as it had no other target in range.


Bug Report Space combat: Still being hit by missiles despite 0% chance after the target is dead.

Bug Report Was in space and fighting one of the npc pirates, and it killed me. But instead of being killed, I was subdued and was able to get up and walk around in space.

Zun note: Skip subdual mode if in space.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Mining Idailia Ore (t3 ore?) at piloting 24 does not give any XP.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Player attacked a DM and caused a server crash. No exception was logged.

Bug Report DM-set immortality on players appears to conflict with the resolveattack process. When immortal players whacked each other as part of a DM event, it immediately crashed the server.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Sometimes, Saberstaff's Circleslash ability hits the same enemy 3 times. Seems random, unable to replicate conditions reliably, but I am repeating it more than once.

Circle Slash only seems to hit one target. Previous report on it had it hitting the same target 3 times. Not quite sure what to make of it- maybe a range issue?

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report After completing the quest "The Mandalorian Leader" I chose to claim the Captain Rifle as my reward. What I immediately noticed is the stats for it are actually worse than both the Titan Rifle and the Mandalorian Rifle which drops from within the facility you do the quest in. These weapon rewards need another look over because it's absolutely pointless to make them worse than vendor gear.




Bug Report There seems to be a discrepancy between various drops in the Mandalorian Outpost in Viscarra, Most Mandalorian weapons only do +1 damage from the base Titan weapons but the Heavy Vibroblade is sitting at 23 damage while the spear is at 17. The Mandalorian staff that drops is also tier 1 and at 3 physical damage which is lower than the Basic Staff.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Karrav Maubar in Tatooine MOA doesn't actually open a shop window after saying you want to shop.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Force Valor's and Battle Insight's buffs arn't appearing on buff bar when used? I use the skills and it goes on CD, but the icon for the buff of DR dosn't come up in the buff bar for Force Valor,, so, I'm not sure if I'm reciving the buff and theres no icon notification, or, if the buff isn't being applied. As far as Battle Insight, I receive the negitive effects, but, when I examine nearby party members they do not appear to be getting the +to evasion or attack, I think?

Bug Report Force Valor does not add a buff icon next to your profile.

Bug Report Buff icon for "Shielding II" does not appear next to portrait on screen.

Bug Report Shielding II does not add an buff icon near your picture unlike Shielding I.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bags empty weight was stuck at 6.0 after storing guild hunter task items (kath hound furs, mynock wings, etc) onto my starship directly from the bag. Tried putting items back into bag and then moving them to regular inventory but the weight was still bugged. Then I sold the bag to get rid of it and now ALL vendors only sell a 6.0 weight bag. I still have 1 bag with normal default weight in my inventory so it only seems to effect the bag I did starship storage from and now the vendors.


zunath commented 2 years ago

Unsure how to replicate -- however, numerous times now I have run into the issue where I will suddenly stop receiving ranged XP on kills, and Crippling Shot I will not activate. It will remain queued, but then be de-queued after 30 seconds or so, regardless of successful hits. Using devices / other weapons to get the kill gives XP as normal, with no ranged XP. Re-logging and restarting game does not fix, only re-slotting the bugged weapon in question.

Zun note: This has to do with the On Hit Cast Spell: Unique Power item property. I witnessed an equipped item that was missing the property on the bolts. Missing this IP will cause all queued abilities to fail.

zunath commented 2 years ago

The Korriban Sith crypt is very buggy, the ghosts get permenantly stuck in terrain quite often due to spawning inside of it. There are also invisible walls aplenty.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Players are able to speak while dead.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Bug - Rapid Shot mode still shows up under the 'Special Attacks' section on the selection wheel.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Cooking:

Increased credit rewards for guild requests weren't applied to agriculture quests (i.e. cooking).

zunath commented 2 years ago

Items can be used even after their charges reach zero

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Quality doesn't cap at maximum quality. Can take the bar over the maximum value and the bar goes off the screen.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Saber throw I with Electroblade I not giving Force XP if it one-shots the enemy.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report None of the tranquilizer shots work for my character

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Permissions tabs in the starships are only showing blackness, they're currently not working. Got a screenshot of it. Relogging and restarting the game doesn't fix it and the issue seems to be affecting several people at the time not just me.

Bug Report Can't get permissions to enter another player's ship.

Bug Report boarding permissions to board other ships is buggy. there are two ships my pc has access too, the Fenrir and the Maurader, but neither populate into the "Other Ships" list.

This seems to be an issue a lot of characters have. I have over 6 other ships my pc has access too, but some people who have less then that also run into the same issue.

Bug Report Further permission weirdness, the ability to enter a ship I have permission to enter seems to just come and go arbitrarily. One day I can, the next I can't.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report if you holocom while in space your holocom model is a space ship. awesome. maybe just deactivate the ability to recieve/send calls while piloting a ship.

zunath commented 2 years ago


Intact Warocas Beak, Warocas Spine, Kath Hound Fur all do not stack. Cornucopia (food ingrediant) still not stacking Mandalorian Dog Tags do not stack. Mandalorian blaster parts / lightsaber parts / polearm parts / vibroblade parts do not stack. They USED to be used for mods in legacy, but I don't believe they're used for anything any more besides hunting guild quests Dried Bonito do not stack. Melons from Tatooine are no longer stacking.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Mon Cala:

Amphi-Hydrus just punch doing little damage. Spreadsheet says they do force drain and electrical damage.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Harvesting Aracia Wood has a chance to give Ancient Wood instead. This should be changed, since even though they spawn in the same area, they're two different trees.

Area Name Hutlar - Qion Tundra

Zun note: Intended

zunath commented 2 years ago

Some have reported that even after last update, their APR remained high without the mastery perks.

zunath commented 2 years ago

2022-07-28 16:31:17.185 +00:00 [INF] C# Script 'mod_nui_event' threw an exception. Details:

Exception type: System.NullReferenceException Message : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stacktrace: at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.GuiService.GuiPropertyConverter.ToJson(Object value) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\GuiService\GuiPropertyConverter.cs:line 116 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.GuiService.GuiViewModelBase2.WatchOnClient[TProperty](Expression1 expression) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\GuiService\GuiViewModelBase.cs:line 289 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.PropertyPermissionsViewModel.Initialize(PropertyPermissionPayload initialPayload) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\PropertyPermissionsViewModel.cs:line 280 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.GuiService.GuiViewModelBase`2.Bind(UInt32 player, Int32 windowToken, GuiRectangle initialGeometry, GuiWindowType type, GuiPayloadBase payload, UInt32 tetherObject) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\GuiService\GuiViewModelBase.cs:line 256 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Gui.TogglePlayerWindow(UInt32 player, GuiWindowType type, GuiPayloadBase payload, UInt32 tetherObject, UInt32 uiTarget) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Gui.cs:line 337 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.PropertyItemStorageViewModel.b__73_0() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\PropertyItemStorageViewModel.cs:line 416 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Gui.HandleNuiEvents() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Gui.cs:line 236 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

zunath commented 2 years ago

2022-07-28 18:23:29.395 +00:00 [INF] C# Script 'mod_nui_event' threw an exception. Details:

Exception type: StackExchange.Redis.RedisServerException Message : Syntax error at offset 31 near Gra Stacktrace: at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ExecuteSyncImpl[T](Message message, ResultProcessor`1 processor, ServerEndPoint server, T defaultValue) in /_/src/StackExchange.Redis/ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 1873 at NRediSearch.Client.Search(Query q) in /_/src/NRediSearch/Client.cs:line 414 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.DB.Search[T](DBQuery`1 query)+MoveNext() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\DB.cs:line 284 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.PropertyPermissionsViewModel.Search() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\PropertyPermissionsViewModel.cs:line 323 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Gui.HandleNuiEvents() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Gui.cs:line 236 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

Zun note: This might be a data sanitization issue. Possible this is a player's name with an apostrophe or something

zunath commented 2 years ago

2022-07-28 16:23:34.642 +00:00 [INF] C# Script 'mod_nui_event' threw an exception. Details:

Exception type: System.NullReferenceException Message : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stacktrace: at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.GuiService.GuiPropertyConverter.ToJson(Object value) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\GuiService\GuiPropertyConverter.cs:line 116 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.GuiService.GuiViewModelBase`2.Bind(UInt32 player, Int32 windowToken, GuiRectangle initialGeometry, GuiWindowType type, GuiPayloadBase payload, UInt32 tetherObject) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\GuiService\GuiViewModelBase.cs:line 248 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Gui.TogglePlayerWindow(UInt32 player, GuiWindowType type, GuiPayloadBase payload, UInt32 tetherObject, UInt32 uiTarget) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Gui.cs:line 337 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Feature.GuiDefinition.ViewModel.ManageStructuresViewModel.b__62_0() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Feature\GuiDefinition\ViewModel\ManageStructuresViewModel.cs:line 366 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Service.Gui.HandleNuiEvents() in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Service\Gui.cs:line 236 at SWLOR.Game.Server.Core.Internal.RunScripts(String script) in C:\Projects\SWLOR_NWN\SWLOR.Game.Server\Core\Internal.cs:line 143

zunath commented 2 years ago

Heavy armor:

Can't modify any part of the for Eclipse Armor (chest piece) like torso, etc.

The interface and sound look like it changes, but visually it doesn't.

Zun note: Armor has a robe. Player needs to change that before the appearance will change. Working as intended.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report When repairng the ship, the right corner display is not updating correctly. It will show the player off by one volley of repairs, while the person repairing will have the correct number.

Ie: Yurn repairs me for 15 and shows the ship at 16 hull while on Gra'ryyyr screen it shows me still at 1 hp. Untill I dock and refly which then it showes the correct number.

Zun note: Need to send out a refresh event whenever repairs are performed.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Quest "The Mandalorian Leader" not triggering completion for killing Mandalorian War Hero. Instance: Entered instanced room with another PC that has already completed the quest. First attempt I initiated combat, got first hit on the War Hero and did not get credit for the kill for the quest. Re-creation: Attempted again to try different circumstance and gain credit. Began combat again by attacking War Hero. War hero agroed to the other PC but I was the only one to do damage to them as well as got the kill. Still no quest credit. Cause of potential bug unknown. Was unable to continue testing. Only thought is that the other person in the instanced area had already completed the quest.

Zun note: I feel confident this is a distance issue where the player is too far from battle to gain XP and quest credit.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Enemies (mainly kath hounds) keep getting stuck at the very edge of the map, usually NW top-area. Cannot kill them since they're treated as being out of line of sight since they're on the very edge of the map.

Area Name Viscara - Wildlands

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Deflector Shield:

Spreadsheet says it lasts for 3-5 mins depending on rank.

Once the temporary hp is gone, the shield buff also disappears and it's over. Unlike in normal nwn, where temporary max hp is kept for that duration. In otherwords, while the buff is active you can heal up to the new max temporary hp even if you go under it.

Is it working as intended?

Zun note: I don't fully understand this one. Need to investigate.

Zun note: This sounds right to me.

zunath commented 2 years ago

Bug Report Citizenship menu text is cut off no matter how far I extend the window. Screenshot attached.
