zuri-training / Fetch-Metadata-Team-88

This team is building a web app that extracts metadata of files
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Final Design Merging and Prototyping #17

Open braimey opened 2 years ago

braimey commented 2 years ago

Design editing and prototyping of available screens

Some of the designs needs merging and editing before development, implementation of prototype is required ASAP

Tasks are assigned to @braimey @Loveth56 @Olajideijimakinwa @Toqss @TomiwaMariam @haryjay

**We’ve been able to:

braimey commented 2 years ago

Kindly find attached file for the merged design file


Loading screen - https://www.figma.com/file/IcogxO1PszR71tyvvjQswt/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1

braimey commented 2 years ago

Mobile flow prototype - https://www.figma.com/proto/TcbMt7FHxNFJ4CgH3GnQCI/Team-88_Fetch-Metadata?node-id=80%3A190&viewport=250%2C331%2C0.02&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=499%3A1416&show-proto-sidebar=1

Desktop flow prototype - https://www.figma.com/proto/TcbMt7FHxNFJ4CgH3GnQCI/Team-88_Fetch-Metadata?node-id=80%3A190&viewport=250%2C331%2C0.02&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=346%3A2605&show-proto-sidebar=1

braimey commented 2 years ago

Reviewed by design and development team

Toqss commented 2 years ago

I was part of the group that did the prototype. I also help reviewed the work when it was done.

Loveth56 commented 2 years ago

i edited few of the screens that needed correction.

TomiwaMariam commented 2 years ago

**We are working on:

Taiwo052 commented 2 years ago

I worked on the moodboard for the project

haryjay commented 2 years ago

I edited some of the screen and also helped in merging before prototyping