zuri-training / Fetch-Metadata-Team-88

This team is building a web app that extracts metadata of files
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Team link https://github.com/orgs/zuri-training/teams/fetch-metadata-team-88

This team is building a web app that extracts metadata of files

In this project we used Django to build a web based metadata extraction web app, for any kind of a file. You upload a file, and the web app extracts the metadata, saves it as a json file, and you can download, and share the metadata and file.

The final design submission by the design team

User reseach and documentation


Design system

Lofi Web/Mobile

Hifi Web/Mobile

Tools used

Our Project Documentation:

Getting Started

In This project we used Django Templating to serve our pages.

Folder Structure The main folders in project for the backend are:

The Rest are front-end pages

Clone Project To use the project you need to clone the repo on to your computer. git clone https://github.com/zuri-training/Fetch-Metadata-Team-88.git

Create A virtual Environment You need to create a virtual environment to run the project in it. And Make sure you have Python 3 before you proceed. run python3 -m venv env in the terminal The name of the environment here is env

Next you activate the virtual environment using the following command

Mac User

run source env/bin/activate

Windows User

run ./env/Scripts/activate make sure you using Command-line not Powershell

Requirements To work with the project well, you need to install the package dependencies.Make sure your environment is active.

Install requirements

run pip install -r requirements.txt

and wait for all the packages to be installed before you start using the django project.

Software Dependency

Install Exiftool from (https://exiftool.org)

Project Initialization To start working with the project after installing the dependencies you need to first initialize your django project.

run python manage.py makemigrations and then run python manage.py migrate

Execution Now after successfull execution of the commands above you can run your django server and view the web app

run python manage.py runserver

App Pass: bsdhjmxkwlysgrjt