zuri-training / My-Debtors-Project-Team33

2 stars 0 forks source link
django django-framework html-css-javascript python


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Setup for Django project

Getting Started

How to get started with the project

  1. Copy the https link from the code drop-down.

  2. Open your terminal and change directory to your desktop cd desktop 'to easily locate it' then type the command git clone https://github.com/... and enter so that the repository can be cloned to your computer

  3. Change directory into the folder that you cloned by running the command cd My-Debtors-Project-Team33

  4. Create a virtual environment and activate it by running the following commands virtualenv virtualenv_name. Activate it by running the command venv/scripts/activate or cd venv/scripts then type activate.bat.

  5. Change directory out of the venv directory cd .. two times till you are in the directory of the project you cloned.

  6. You will install all requirements to run this project by running this command pip install -r requirements.txt and after installing them you'll create a Django project.

  7. Create a Django project with this command django-admin startproject project_name

  8. Get into the directory of the project you just created cd project_name then create an app django-admin startapp app_name.

  9. Head over to the project folder on VS code and install the app you created in the settings.py file under INSTALLED_APP







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