zuri-training / Team-100_AnimaLib

A library that allows beginners perform basic web animation using normal language
1 stars 3 forks source link

Design the Wireframes and sketches (for all designers) #26

Closed Oderindecaleb closed 2 years ago

Oderindecaleb commented 2 years ago


This is the link to the figma board

Fawazah commented 2 years ago

Awesome and Fawazah worked on the wireframes for landing page and about us page

This is the link for the wireframe for landing page unauthenticated user - Wireframe / Landing Page - Unauthenticated

This is the link for the wireframe for landing page authenticated user - Wireframe / Landing Page - Authenticated

This is the link for the wireframe for about us page authenticated user - Wireframe / About Us Page - Authenticated

This is the link for the wireframe for about us page unauthenticated user - Wireframe / About Us Page - Unauthenticated

Mimi1510 commented 2 years ago

Below is the wireframes I worked on

Wireframe / Animation search page

Wireframe / Animation search not found page

Awe80me commented 2 years ago

"Awesome and Fawazah worked on the wireframes for landing page and about us page"

I reconfirmed the links to these specific pages.

Mimi1510 commented 2 years ago

Mimi1510, Hamzah and Victorasta1 worked on the wireframe of the user profile pages

Wireframe / User profile pages

Aliyatadeyanju commented 2 years ago

Aliyat and Ayotomiwa worked on the wireframe for the support page https://www.figma.com/file/VLaolzmNxT8lx7uBMsYVMz/Team-100_AnimaLib?node-id=3405%3A19426

Aliyatadeyanju commented 2 years ago

Aliyat worked on the save changes successful wireframe, the link is below https://www.figma.com/file/j1drbvRXQLsqEpHG3DfsbP/changes-successfully-saved-page?node-id=0%3A1

DuoACe commented 2 years ago

Ayotomiwa Ajewole worked on the wireframes for contact us page. This is the link below https://www.figma.com/file/VLaolzmNxT8lx7uBMsYVMz/Team-100_AnimaLib?node-id=3405%3A19426

Oderindecaleb commented 2 years ago

@Oderindecaleb and @OluwakemiOy worked together to construct the wireframe for the documentation page

Documentation page 1 - https://www.figma.com/file/VLaolzmNxT8lx7uBMsYVMz/Team-100_AnimaLib?node-id=2882%3A24704 Documentation page 2 - https://www.figma.com/file/VLaolzmNxT8lx7uBMsYVMz/Team-100_AnimaLib?node-id=2882%3A24881 Documentation page 3 - https://www.figma.com/file/VLaolzmNxT8lx7uBMsYVMz/Team-100_AnimaLib?node-id=2882%3A24774

HamzahOpemipo commented 2 years ago

Mimi1510, Hamzah and Victorasta1 worked on the wireframe of the user profile pages

Wireframe / User profile pages

Updated link to User profile pages wireframe User Profile Pages Wireframe