zuri-training / Team-100_AnimaLib

A library that allows beginners perform basic web animation using normal language
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Animation Library

This project provides an easy to use guide to developers, precisely beginners, on how to add animations to the several elements on their webpage(s). In essence, we try to avoid the hassle of a developer trying to think critically on how they can create or add animations to their webpage.

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Tech Stack

Design: Figma

Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap.

Server: Python, Django (web framework).

Database: MySQL.

Project Management and Version Control: Github


We converted both files (css and js) of the library to a zip file. The essence of this is to compress both files to a small size, before they are being saved to the client's local computer.


To install the project to your local computer or server. Clone into a directory in your computer using:

git clone https://github.com/zuri-training/anima_lib_team-100.git

change directory to the project folder created after cloning. For window users use the command provided below.

For other Operating System Users, Kindly follow online documentation or guide on how to change directory.

cd <directoryname>

Creating a virtual environment (this is optional but advisable).

For window users use the command below. If created successfully, activate the virtual environment. For other Operating System Users, kindly follow online documentation or guide on how to install and activate your virtual environment.

virtualenv <virtualenvironmentname>

Install the required packages, using:

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run migrations to prepare the models or table to be added to the database, using:

python manage.py makemigrations

Migrate your tables to the database, using:

python manage.py migrate

Finally, you can run your server using:

python manage.py runserver


NOTE: A majority of our features are provided for only authenticated users. Hence, you need to have registered and logged in to the web application to enjoy these features.

Usage/Examples - How to use library to add nice animation to your web page.

When you are referencing the code on our server. That is,when you want to embed a link that points to the css and js on our server.

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <title>page title</title>
    <meta name="description" content="" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/zuri-training/Team-100_AnimaLib/blob/main/code_link_to_server" />
    <tagname class="animation"></tagname>

    <script src="https://github.com/zuri-training/Team-100_AnimaLib/raw/main/code_link_to_server"></script>

When you have downloaded the animation library on your computer

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <title>page title</title>
    <meta name="description" content="" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/zuri-training/Team-100_AnimaLib/blob/main/path_to_style.css" />
    <tagname class="animation"></tagname>

    <script src="https://github.com/zuri-training/Team-100_AnimaLib/raw/main/path_to_script.js"></script>


Tola - Tolac - (BackEnd) - omotola.coker.o@gmail.com (Fullstack)
David Akwuru - Dayveed(BackEnd) - davidakwuruu@gmail.com (Fullstack)
Fonyuy Videc Leinyuy - Videc(Frontend) - videcleinyuy@gmail.com (Fullstack)
Okene Daniel - Okene Daniel(FrontEnd) - okenedaniel44@gmail.com (Fullstack)
Abiola Oladimeji - Bizzdimeji(FrontEnd) - bizzdimeji@gmail.com (Fullstack)
Atunde Goodness Joseph - Goody(Backend) - atundeg@gmail.com (Fullstack)
Nwobu Kenechukwu - Kene(FrontEnd) - nwobukenechukwu@gmail.com (Fullstack)
Achi Sughter - Achi Sughter Tooyosi (Frontend) - sughtera@gmail.com (Fullstack)
Christiana Mabel Nyuma - Mabel(Frontend) - chrisbarbz17@gmail.com(Fullstack)
Amadi A. Ikwechegh - TheArmstrong(BackEnd) - armst.amdi4@gmail.com (Fullstack)

Caleb Oderinde - Octa - oderindecaleb@gmail.com (Product Design)
Hamzah Opemipo - Hamzah - ahmzar3@gmail.com (Product Design)
Erica Osawaru - Erica - osawaruerica29@gmail.com (Product Design)
Victor Emechebe - Rasta - victorasta21@gmail.com (Product Design)
Fawazat Gbajumo - Fawazah - fawazatgbajumo@gmail.com (Product Design)
Maryam Afolabi - Mimi96 - afolabimaryamoladoyin@gmail.com (Product Design)
Uthman Akinsawe - awe80meimagery@gmail.com (Product Design)
Olanrewaju Adefolake Mariam -Flekkies - flourishflekkie@gmail.com (Product design)
Adeyanju Aliyat Olakanmi - Adeyanju Aliyat - olakanmiadeyanju71@gmail.com (product design)
Oyeniran Ruth Oluwakemi - Oluwakemi13 - Oyeniranoluwakemi13@gmail.com (Product Design)
Joseph-Uchea Jordan - Joseph-Uchea Jordan II - jcuchea@gmail.com (Product Design)
Ayotomiwa Ajewole- DuoAce-ajewoletomiwa12@gmail.com (Product Design)


Zuri x I4G

Project idea was inspired by Zuri x I4G