zuri-training / Team-29_PriceCompare

A platform that compares prices across multiple platforms
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 15 forks source link

Project Name

Haggle Version 1.0

Table of Contents

About Project

Haggle is a price comparison web application that allows users to compare prices of products from different e-commerce merchants. Users can compare prices, make comments under products/prices, share products directly to their social media platforms and also share via emails to third parties. Also, users interested in purchasing any of the products will be redirected to the purchase page of the selected merchant via the ref link, available on the product page of every product. Haggle will be accessible to both authenticated and unauthenticated users, but with the authenticated users having full access to the platform.

One major challenge faced during the development was geting reliable merchants APIs with credible data for free.

Features we hope to implement in the nearest future are:

Technologies Used

Environment Setup

Follow these commands to run the project on your local machine :

Open your terminal

Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/zuri-training/Team-29_PriceCompare.git

Enter the project directory

cd priceCompare

Create a virtual env

python -m venv env 

Activate your env(for windows)


(for linux or mac)

source env/bin/activate 

Install Project Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make Migrations

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Create Superuser

python manage.py createsuperuser

Run the server

python manage.py runserver


Designers--------------------------Github Usernames

Developers---------------------------Github Usernames

To contribute:

- Create a Fork of this repository

- Clone the forked repository
     # git clone repo clone link

- NOTE : Don't push to the main branch

- Open your code editor

- Run your terminal

- Add Upstream
    # git remote add upstream https://github.com/zuri-training/Team-29_PriceCompare.git

- Create a branch
    # git branch branchname

- To confirm branch creation
    # git branch --v

- Switch to the branch
    # git checkout branchname

- Make your changes.

- After finishing your tasks, Stage and commit to your branch using
    # git add . to stage all changes or git add . filename.extension to stage a file.
    # git commit -m " The task you did "

- Merge the upstream changes with your current branch to prevent conflict. 
    # git pull upstream branchname

- Push to the branch you’re working on
    # git push origin branchname

- Come to Github and Create a new pull request. Add a description of what you have done.

- Update your local folder/branch with new changes from all collaborators. 
    # git pull upstream branchname
