zuri-training / proj_debtors-team-36

This is a web application that allows schools in a certain locality to list the directory of people owing them so as to avoid debtors applying to other schools with pending debts. -Team 36
4 stars 33 forks source link



This is a platform that allows schools in a certain locality to list the directory of people owing them so as to avoid debtors applying to other schools with pending debts. The website will also enable schools to keep the debt summary (amount that has been paid and collected) and track debts of various students and also give the debtors access to challenge information put up by the schools. -Team 36

Table of Contents

Directory Structure for server deployment

Instructions for deployment

To run server locally on windows, it is assumed that you have python 3 and git cli/desktop installed


Unauthenticated users - An individual that has not registered to the website

Product Specialization



For team_36 members, follow the following steps to collaborate:

  1. Visit the Repository to the Project on Github Website: https://github.com/zuri-training/proj_debtors-team-36

  2. Fork the repository: Click the "Fork" button on the upper right corner of the Repo page.*

  3. Make a local clone: Click on the "Code" button on the Repo page Copy the URL for the forked Repo "https://github.com/github_username/proj_debtors-team-36.git" Create a Folder on your Local machine / Computer for the project Workspace Open Command prompt / Terminal in the same folder location In your Terminal, type:
    git clone https://github.com/github_username/proj_debtors-team-36.git

  4. Open terminal and set upstream branch:
    git remote add upstream https://github.com/zuri-training/proj_debtors-team-36

  5. Pull upstream to get up to date with the original repo:
    git pull upstream main

  6. Create a new branch for the task you are working on :
    git checkout -b branchName
    (Make sure your branchName is descriptive in context to the feature you are working on. Also be sure to check which branch you are on using git status before you begin working)

  7. When you're done with your task, do:
    git add

    • Commit your work with a message:
      git commit -m "message"
  8. To avoid conflicts:
    git pull upstream main

  9. Then push your branch:
    git push origin branchName - This creates the branch remotely and pushes to that branch on the Github

  10. Go to Github and create a new pull request to the main branch. It will then be reviewed and merged into the master.

If you need to make an update, repeat from no 4 (Skip no 6)


Molokwu Chibuzor(Team Lead)

Ebitobodenyefa Spiff(Assistant Team Lead)

Ambrose Otundo

Ngozi Hannah Opara

Aduragbemi Oroja

Adelakin Isreal

Omolade Temitope

Ayodele Samuel Tosin

Tolu Joel

Ugwu Abel Ikenna

John Blessing Awa

Victoria Akilapa

Taiwo Odeyemi

Princess Salami

Samuel Ogusanya

Bilewu Iyinoluwa

Umeh Valentine

Rita Sylvia

Lasaki Taiwo

Henry Udeani

Jeremiah Nosakhare

Osadere Gideon

John Amakoh

Iniubong Abasi


The documentaion that includes details on how the project was built from the backend, prerequisites, installation procedures, etc can be found here - "Documentationlinkwhenready"


The design for this project was done by the product design team on figma. Check out the design here

Project Documentation

A more detailed documentation on the updates,features and details of this project can be found here


This project is acknowlegded to Zuri Team for creating this organization and bringing about this project. Special thanks to the sponsors too.