zvibazak / Nice-MD5s

Let's find nice patterns of MD5!!
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Let's find nice patterns of MD5!!

The MD5 message-digest algorithm is a widely used hash function producing a 128-bit hash value. (Wikipedia)

This is totaly a nonsence but let's find nice patterns of MD5s.


A nice pattern considers as one of the below: # Name Explanation Example
1 Perfect match md5 of one characters 00000000000000000000000000000000
2 Nice match md5 starts with N-same characters 444431252d6a104a05fe4a0c6a53a999 (N=4)
3 Gold MD5 md5 of it - equal to itself N/A
4 MD5 of digits md5 contains only digits 25855924411269249612523541155616
5 MD5 of letters md5 contains only letters abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefab
6 Pi MD5 md5 contains pi digits 3141592653589793115997963468544185
7 e MD5 md5 contains contant e digits 2718281828459045090795598298427649

Please see the attached Python code to run on your computer, and add a pull request if you find new one (a credit is promised!).

Feel free to add your language version of the code!

Hall of fame

# Name N MD5 Founder
1 MD5 of digits 32 md5('r8z43szwn6duks2yoqf6eaugebdjdhfk') = 52028506537132879258425329778418 zvibazak
2 MD5 of letters 31 md5(s3i7gogs1gn9at6knh4sartreiqlppaa) = efadaefecffacfcdcebbafacbfeadbd3 johnmave126
3 Gold MD5 12 md5('54db1011d76dc70a0a9df3ff3e0b390f') = 54db1011d76d137956603122ad86d762 Thomas Egense
4 Nice match 11 md5(k4gdqjwk641meqx4fqinagckq4q6sqgk) = 777777777771313bfb8042d99437c4ff johnmave126
5 Pi MD5 11 md5(b100d474eb100d60d000b08822844917) = 31415926535f1ade4ad780c95815f2dc Polly
6 e MD5 11 md5(6nencc64tsdhlmfa3ghsvnpe7i1us4ai) = 27182818284d93f1072d42d3b215d83b johnmave126
