zvtvz / zvt

modular quant framework.
MIT License
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Unhandled exception in event loop, Exception [WinError 995] The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request Press ENTER to continue... #150

Closed jarodgeng closed 3 years ago

jarodgeng commented 3 years ago

Hi ZVT 在ipython 里面更新数据是报下面的错误,请问有什么解决方法。 我使用的数据源是默认的eastmoney 。是不是因为我的ip 是海外的所以读不到数据 。 谢谢

In [3]: FinanceFactor.record_data() FinanceFactor registered recorders:{'eastmoney': <class 'zvt.recorders.eastmoney.finance.china_stock_finance_factor_recorder.ChinaStockFinanceFactorRecorder'>}

Unhandled exception in event loop: File "C:\Users\jarod\miniconda3\lib\asyncio\proactor_events.py", line 768, in _loop_self_reading f.result() # may raise File "C:\Users\jarod\miniconda3\lib\asyncio\windows_events.py", line 808, in _poll value = callback(transferred, key, ov) File "C:\Users\jarod\miniconda3\lib\asyncio\windows_events.py", line 457, in finish_recv raise ConnectionResetError(*exc.args)

Exception [WinError 995] The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request Press ENTER to continue...

jarodgeng commented 3 years ago

problem solved