zvtvz / zvt

modular quant framework.
MIT License
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I cant see how to start the program #178

Open MZULALI opened 2 years ago

MZULALI commented 2 years ago

Sorry I dont speak Chinese, but I have a translator. I can translate the new README but im not sure what to do

What do I put into IPython? when I run main.py, I can open, but there is nothing.

Can you help me?

thank you

foolcage commented 2 years ago

@MZULALI you could download the history data from google drive and unzip them to ~/zvt-home/data

In fact, just some core concepts need to know and you could use all of them...I would complete docs latter.

MZULALI commented 2 years ago

I have done that. zvvt

this is what I mean. When I load main.py, I dont get any options. How do I fix? I am still new to programming, sorry.

Thank you

foolcage commented 2 years ago

in this case, the entity and factor is related to the trader.

foolcage commented 2 years ago

@MZULALI I updated some english docs, you could have a try.