Title: A Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework with High Efficiency and Generalization for Fast and Safe Navigation Paper video: https://youtu.be/S95BQDEiTE0
prerequisites tensorflow-gpu version >= 2.0 python verison >= 3.5 ubuntu18.04 + ros melodic full desktop which includes Gazebo Please download https://github.com/osrf/gazebo_models into ~/.gazebo/models
Fold turtlebot3_teleop is used for manual contol with keyboard
Fold rl_navigation is used for loading Gazebo environments and calling ROS APIs
Fold move_base is slightly revised from the ros-melodic-navigation package.
Fold RL include DRL training and testing codes and results.
create ROS project
(1) mkdir ws_RL
(2) cd ws_RL
(3) mkdir src
(4) copy the above four folds into src
(5) cd ws_RL
(6) catkin_make
please install corresponding ROS packages when errors occur
(1) cd ws_RL
(2) source devel/setup.bash
(3) roslaunch rl_navigation turtlebot3_stage_1.launch
(4) cd ws_RL/src/RL
I. running baseline one with DDPG python DDPG.py
II. running baseline two with DDQN python DDQN.py
III. running pure DRL python comparison_normal.py
I and II are baselines
III. running the low-level DRL python navigation_DQN_5.py
IV. after running the low-level DRL,
then running the high-level DRL python navigation_DQN_5_goal.py
III and IV are applied for simulation
V. if running the low-level DRL
for the igor robot python navigation_DQN_igor.py
VI. if running the high-level DRL
for the igor robot python navigation_DQN_igor_goal.py
V and VI are only used for real implementations.
the training log including reward and neural network weights is in the fold 'model'
execute testing
There are three testing environments. If you want to change testing environments,
please revise the code in file rl_navigation turtlebot3_stage_1.launch.
The default code is
If you want to use world2,
then the code should be
If you want to use world3,
then the code should be
Correspondingly, you need revise the code in global_planner2.launch
The default code is
If you want to use world2,
then the code should be
If you want to use world3,
then the code should be
Then, you can run testing code as below:
(1) cd ws_RL
(2) source devel/setup.bash
(3) roslaunch rl_navigation roslaunch rl_navigation turtlebot3_stage_1.launch
(4) cd ws_RL/src/RL
I. running baseline one with DDPG python DDPG_test.py
II. running baseline two with DDQN python DDQN_test.py
I and II are baselines
III. running the low-level DRL python navigation_DQN_5_test.py
IV. running the high-level DRL python navigation_DQN_5_goal_test.py
III and IV are applied for simulation
V. runing dwa(move_base)
firstly, roslaunch rl_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch
then python dwa_test.py
the testing log is in the fold data_processing.
data processing
after obtaining testing data, you can plot them by running python plot_map_path.py
roslaunch rl_navigation turtlebot3_gmapping.launch