zwbx / SHIFT-Continuous_Test_Time_Adaptation

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[SHIFT]      [Continual Test-time Adaptation Challenge]      [Visual Continual Learning @ ICCV2023]

Continuous Test-Time Adaptation on SHIFT Dataset

This offcial demo provides a benchmark for test-time adaptation of semantic segmentation containing some prominent methods.


Q: is it allowed to use other pretrained source model?
A: Yes, it is permitted. You are allowed to train your own source model with different architecture (e.g. deeplab v3, segformer...). But notice no additional dataset or data augmentation is allowed.

Q: What are the criteria for ranking?
A: Performance of the TTA method on the test data set (i.e. continous_1x/videos/tset)

Q: What purpose of this demo?
A: Provide a code reference for participants to help them implement their experimental pipeline, allowing them to focus on the methods rather than the engineering details. Note that the final evaluation is based on the official website test program.

Q: what is evalution.txt
A: The evaluation process is implemented using tools/ This script calculates the average mIoU over all sequences, and its results are stored in a file named evalution.txt.

The function has an in_domain parameter. If this parameter is set to True, the output file will be evluation_indomain.txt instead of evalution.txt. The evluation_indomain.txt file represents the average mIoU over sequences specifically from clear, daytime conditions.

It's worth noting that the results from evluation_indomain.txt, rather than evalution.txt, are used for leaderboard ranking.

Environment setup

Please make sure that conda or miniconda is installed on your machine before running the following command:

Download SHIFT dataset

You can download the SHIFT dataset using the download script in shift-dev. Please follow the instructions below:

mkdir -p ./data/shift

# Download the continuous shift set for test-time adaptation
python \
    --view "[front]" --group "[img, semseg, seq]" \
    --split "[train, val, test]" --framerate "[videos]" \
    --shift "continuous/1x" \

Run from pretrained models

You are able to download the pretrained models and run the evaluation scripts directly.

Baseline results on continuous_1x/videos/val

Corresponding to Online evaluation (Val Phase) in Challenge B - Continual Test-time Adaptation

Source model without adaptation [eval log]( | Class | IoU | Acc | |---------------|-------|-------| | building | 43.59 | 81.2 | | fence | 27.87 | 38.11 | | pedestrian | 42.63 | 50.2 | | pole | 39.88 | 51.73 | | road line | 62.33 | 72.35 | | road | 91.23 | 93.92 | | sidewalk | 68.27 | 73.55 | | vegetation | 55.68 | 66.5 | | vehicle | 68.12 | 96.46 | | wall | 41.15 | 55.14 | | traffic sign | 34.42 | 39.92 | | sky | 51.75 | 55.35 | | traffic light | 30.32 | 35.0 | | terrain | 34.64 | 46.6 | | *Average* | 49.42 | 61.14 |
CoTTA [eval log]( | Class | IoU | Acc | |---------------|-------|-------| | building | 44.01 | 83.66 | | fence | 30.16 | 39.04 | | pedestrian | 46.68 | 53.66 | | pole | 44.92 | 55.03 | | road line | 65.98 | 74.36 | | road | 90.65 | 93.26 | | sidewalk | 69.62 | 73.85 | | vegetation | 54.93 | 65.03 | | vehicle | 69.78 | 96.65 | | wall | 41.13 | 54.5 | | traffic sign | 37.96 | 42.18 | | sky | 52.27 | 55.94 | | traffic light | 32.81 | 36.61 | | terrain | 35.2 | 46.04 | | *Average* | 51.15 | 62.13 |
TENT [eval log]( | Class | IoU | Acc | |---------------|-------|-------| | building | 50.98 | 84.39 | | fence | 26.92 | 33.36 | | pedestrian | 41.03 | 46.83 | | pole | 36.1 | 41.01 | | road line | 61.93 | 69.09 | | road | 93.38 | 96.22 | | sidewalk | 69.29 | 74.49 | | vegetation | 52.68 | 61.02 | | vehicle | 79.44 | 95.24 | | wall | 39.14 | 50.68 | | traffic sign | 31.91 | 35.32 | | sky | 54.44 | 57.53 | | traffic light | 26.51 | 28.92 | | terrain | 35.63 | 42.59 | | *Average* | 49.96 | 58.34 |

Train your own source model

Guide: How to adapt to newer mmsegmentation versions?

Since there are some changes in the mmsegmentation codebase from time to time, we provide a guide to adapt our code to newer versions.

This example repo is based on mmsegmentaion version 0.17. To adapt to your own codebase, you need to modify the following parts. You can refer the corresponding files in this repo for more details.

Dataloader We need to define each sequence as an independent dataset in mmsegmentation. - tools/{tent,test,cotta}.py ``` # select sequence with open(seq_info_path, 'r') as file: reader = csv.reader(file) next(reader) # skip header row for row in reader: if True:# condition that filters seq. e.g. row[0]=='.....' seq_id_list.append(row[0]) # define config for each sequence seq_cfg_list =[] for i, seq in enumerate(os.listdir(os.path.join(, if seq in seq_id_list: globals()["{}".format(i)] = deepcopy( globals()["{}".format(i)].img_dir = os.path.join(,seq) globals()["{}".format(i)].ann_dir = os.path.join(,seq) seq_cfg_list.append(globals()["{}".format(i)]) # build dataset and dataloader datasets = [build_dataset(seq) for seq in seq_cfg_list]#, build_dataset(, build_dataset(,build_dataset(] data_loaders = [build_dataloader( dataset, samples_per_gpu=1,, dist=distributed, shuffle=False) for dataset in datasets] ``` - mmseg/datasets/ ``` img_infos = [] if split is not None: with open(split) as f: for line in f: img_name = line.strip() img_info = dict(filename=img_name + img_suffix) if ann_dir is not None: seg_map = img_name + seg_map_suffix img_info['ann'] = dict(seg_map=seg_map) img_infos.append(img_info) else: for img in mmcv.scandir(img_dir, img_suffix, recursive=True): img_info = dict(filename=img) if ann_dir is not None: seg_map = img.replace(img_suffix, seg_map_suffix) img_info['ann'] = dict(seg_map=seg_map) img_infos.append(img_info) print_log(f'Loaded {len(img_infos)} images', logger=get_root_logger()) # note that sort the squence to conduct contintual test-time adaptation img_infos_sorted = sorted(img_infos, key=lambda x: x['filename'])[:2] return img_infos_sorted ```
Evaluator The evaluation should follow the following steps: 1. Test each sequence independently to obtain mIoU and mAcc on each category. 2. Calculate the average of all sequences for each category. 3. Calculate the overall average. - tools/{tent,test,cotta}.py after *dataset.evaluate* on each sequence, we store the results into a json file. Finally, *res_process()* aggregate all the results of each sequence and outoput the last evaluation results. ``` if args.eval: _, eval_res,_ = dataset.evaluate(outputs, args.eval, **kwargs) out_dir = './Test_on_{}/tent_eval/'.format(cfg.data_split_type) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir + 'res') mmcv.dump(eval_res, out_dir + 'res/{}.json'.format(seq_name), indent=4) res_process(out_dir,cfg.csv_root) ``` Note that evaluation for each sequence requires reloading pretrained parameters of source model. - tools/ ``` def res_process(res_path,csv_root,in_domain=False): # Initialize the dictionary json_dict = {} seq_path = os.path.join(res_path,'res') # Loop over all files in the path for file_name in os.listdir(seq_path): # Check if the file is a JSON file if file_name.endswith(".json"): # Extract the sequence ID from the file name seq_id = file_name.split(".")[0] # Read the JSON file with open(os.path.join(seq_path, file_name), "r") as f: content = json.load(f) # Append the content to the dictionary json_dict[seq_id] = content # json dict ... ```


Non-commercial. Code is heavily based on Cotta, MMSegmentaion 0.11.