zwild / ob-ammonite

org-babel for scala evaluation in Ammonite
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 2 forks source link

+startup: showall

** Install

+begin_src sh

brew install ammonite-repl


It is recommended installed by the [[][MELPA]] package system.

You could install it by ~M-x~: with ~package-install~: ~ob-ammonite~.

** Usage

+begin_src org

,#+begin_src amm :results org sealed trait Maybe[+T] final case object Empty extends Maybe[Nothing] final case class Just[T](t: T) extends Maybe[T] ,#+end_src

,#+RESULTS: ,#+BEGIN_SRC org defined trait Maybe defined object Empty defined class Just ,#+END_SRC


** Config If you edit you prompt in ~.ammonite/ with

+begin_src scala

repl.prompt() = "scala> "


You should have this in your emacs config file.

+begin_src emacs-lisp

(setq ob-ammonite-prompt-str "scala>")


* Demo With this [[][discussion]], please replace the scala in begin_src block with amm* [[./demo.gif]]