zyadan / phoxi_camera_ros2

This is the development for the ros2 driver of Photoneo Phoxi 3D scanner
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This is the development for the ros2 driver of Photoneo Phoxi 3D scanner (refer to its ROS1 driver https://github.com/photoneo/phoxi_camera) image


Installation steps

sudo chmod +x PhotoneoPhoXiControlInstaller-xxxxx.run


~/scanner_id_                  - Default PhoXi 3D Scannet to connect after startup. Default value: "2019-07-005-LC3"
~/frame_id:                    - Frame id to which captured data relies to. Default value: "PhoXi3Dscanner_sensor"
~/latch_topics_                 - Default value: false
~/topic_queue_size_             - Default value: 1
~/init_from_config_             - Default value: false # if true all following parameters will be initialized from this config otherwise from 
                                  PhoXi control application.
~/organized_cloud_               - Default value: false  # if true organized point cloud will be published, other otherwise unorganized

~/log_level                     - Default value: info    # debug log level [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
~/config_file                   - Default value:         # yaml config file
~/start_acquisition_            - Default value: false 
~/stop_acquisition_             - Default value: false
~/resolution_                   - Default value:  1
~/scan_multiplier_              - Default value:  1
~/confidence_                   - Default value:  3.0
~/send_confidence_map_          - Default value: true
~/send_depth_map_               - Default value:   true
~/send_normal_map_              - Default value:  true
~/send_point_cloud_             - Default value:  true
~/send_texture_                 - Default value:  true
~/shutter_multiplier_           - Default value:  1
~/timeout_                      - Default value:  -3
~/trigger_mode_                 - Default value:  1
~/coordinate_space_             - Default value:  1
~/ambient_light_suppression_    - Default value:  false'
~/single_pattern_exposure_      - Default value:  2
~/camera_only_mode_             - Default value:  false

Available ROS services



Available ROS topics


Test PhoXi ROS2 interface with real device