zychen423 / KE-VIST

The code and output of our AAAI paper "Knowledge-Enriched Visual Storytelling"
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The code and output of our AAAI paper "Knowledge-Enriched Visual Storytelling" (arxiv)


Unlike the format in VIST dataset, here we put all stories in a column. E.g.

        "original_text": "The local parish holds a craft show each year.",
        "album_id": "44277",
        "photo_flickr_id": "1741642",
        "story_id": "45530",
        "text_mapped_with_nouns_and_frame": [
        "predicted_term_seq": [
        "predicted_story": "i was out of town . there were so many books to find . the table looked very old . we played games . it came from a man ."

predicted_term_seq is either the terms predicted from our image2term module(in this example) or . predicted_story is the whole story predicted by our term2story model, and text_mapped_with_nouns_and_frame is the result open-seasame extracted from original sentence. KG-Story (Visual Genome): generated_stories/1path_visualLanguageModel_VIST_LDPE.json KG-Story (OpenIE): generated_stories/1path_OpenieLanguageModel_VIST_LDPE.json KG-Story (no KG): generated_stories/0path_visual_VIST.json

Stage 1: Word distillation from input prompts


See details in https://github.com/peteanderson80/bottom-up-attention.

  1. in src/stage1/image_preprocess resize images into 224*224
    bash resize_all_image.sh CPU_NUM IMAGE_DIR OUTPUT_DIR

    2.in src/stage1/image_object_detection perform object detection & object feature extraction With Caffe environment

    # Object Detection
    python3.6 ./tools/generate_tsv.py --gpu 0,1 \
    --cfg experiments/cfgs/faster_rcnn_end2end_resnet.yml\
    --def ./models/vg/ResNet-101/faster_rcnn_end2end_final/test.prototxt\
    --out vist_with_classes_attr_png.csv\
    --net data/faster_rcnn_models/resnet101_faster_rcnn_final.caffemodel\
    --split vist

Split file into npzs

python3.6 make_bu_data.py

3.in ```src/stage1/image2term``` generate terms from image feature 

Build Vocabulary

python3.6 build_term_vocab.py


bash run.sh GPU_ID Decode_mode[transformer, rnn] Decoder_type[term, text] [-self_att] [-global_att]

bash run_train.sh 0 term rnn -self_att

## Stage 2: Word enrichment using knowledge graphs
### Environment

pytorch==1.3 python==3.6

### Usage
1. in ```src/stage2/data``` execute ```./download_big_data.sh``` to download those files > 100MB
2. to train the path scoring language model

python3.6 main.py

trained model will be saved as ```./model.pt```

3 to link paths using Visual Genome Knowledge Graph i.e. **Visual_Genome** in the paper

python score_relation.vg.py

result story_id-to-path file will be saved as ```./vist_scored_terms_6_path.json``` (The path in this file is different from that in the generated stories since the model has been trained again)

For the openIE part, I mis-delete the knowledge graph result of OpenIE. I will try to solve it in the future.

Afterwads, run convert_file_format.py to convert ```./vist_scored_terms_6_path.json``` into different data format for stage 3.
The data is outputed as "vist_scored_terms_6_path_for_stage3.json".

## Stage 3: Story generation

### Usage
1. train on ROC, in ```src/stage3/term2story```, run

bash run.sh [GPU device number] roc [positional encoding]

for example, running on first GPU, using LDPE positional encoding as mentioned in the paper

bash run.sh 1 roc LDPE

trained model will be save as ```./save_model_rocLDPE/trained.chkpt``` 

2. finetune on VIST, in ```src/stage3/term2story```, run

bash run_finetune.sh ./save_model_rocLDPE/trained.chkpt finetune [GPU device number] LDPE

trained model will be save in ```./save_model_finetuneLDPE_pretrain_vist/``` 

3. To generate stories, in ```src/stage3/term2story```, run

python inference_added_story.py -model [trained model checkpoint filepath] -device [GPU device number] -positional LDPE -term_path [stage2 filepath]

python inference_added_story.py -model save_model_finetuneLDPE_pretrain_vist/trained_accu_55.397.chkpt -device 3 -positional LDPE -term_path ../../stage2/visual_genome_language_model_terms_add_lowest.json

the generate story will be saved as```f'VIST_test_self_output_diverse_add_highest_one_path_noun' + str(opt.insert+1) + str(opt.relation) + '_norm_penalty_coor_VISTdataset_percent_' + str(opt.positional) + '.json'```