zyga / gentoo-snappy

An unofficial Gentoo repository for installing Canonical's Snappy backbone
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An unofficial Gentoo Overlay that enables installation of Canonical's "Snappy" backbone.

Add the Overlay

Gentoo's currently preferred Overlay system is through using a git sync. What follows are abbreviated instructions assuming that you already have the dev-vcs/git package installed.

Next, create a custom /etc/portage/repos.conf entry for the gentoo-snappy overlay, so Portage knows what to do. Make sure that /etc/portage/repos.conf exists, and is a directory. Then, use your text editor without line wrapping:

# nano -w /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo-snappy.conf

and put the following text in the file:


# An unofficial overlay that supports the installation of the "Snappy" backbone.
# Maintainer: Clayton "kefnab" Dobbs (clayton.dobbs@gosecur.us)
# Upstream Maintainer: Zygmunt "zyga" Krynicki (me@zygoon.pl)

location = /usr/local/portage/gentoo-snappy
sync-type = git
sync-uri = https://github.com/zyga/gentoo-snappy.git
priority = 50
auto-sync = yes

Then run:

# emaint sync --repo gentoo-snappy



Based off of Docker being available within this portage category, I have placed snapd (the guts of snappy) here as well. Installation of this package will draw in sys-apps/snap-confine as a dependency.


Provides sandbox type isolation of individual snap packages. This is a dependency of snapd proper.


# emerge -av app-emulation/snapd


# systemctl enable --now snapd.service