zyrikby / pyenv-pip-upgrade

Upgrade all packages to the latest versions in pyenv environments
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This is a pyenv plugin that allows you to update all packages of particular or all pyenv environments excluding system. It supports both conda- and pip-based environments. You can read more about the plugin and its implementation details in this article.


If you want to update all packages in all pyenv environments, execute the following command

$ pyenv pip-upgrade --all

However, more often we need to update packages of particular environments. This plugin allows updating packages of selected environments. For instance, the following command will update 3 environments 3.9.0, 3.9.0/envs/pyenv_test, and miniconda3-latest/envs/myenv:

$ pyenv pip-upgrade 3.9.0 3.9.0/envs/pyenv_test miniconda3-latest/envs/myenv

By default, the packages of an environment are updated using one pip install --upgrade command, i.e., if, e.g., the cowsay and six packages need to be updated, the command to update them will be pip install --upgrade cowsay six. The new 2020 pip resolver will check dependencies of these packages, and if there are conflicts it will generate an error.

However, it is possible to run update packages sequentially using --sequential pip-upgrade option. In this case, the packages will be updated one by one as in it is done in the original stackoverflow answer, and the most recently updated package will override conflicting dependencies.

The plugin supports autocompletion. Press <TAB> twice to see available choices.


In order to install the plugin you need at first install and configure pyenv. Then, just execute the following command from your terminal:

$ git clone https://github.com/zyrikby/pyenv-pip-upgrade.git $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-pip-upgrade

This command will clone the repository of plugin into the pyenv plugins directory. After this, pyenv will be also responsible for updating the plugin to the latest version if it appears.


The development of this plugin has been inspired by the following projects/articles:

  1. pyenv-pip-update --- a pyenv plugin to update all environments at once
  2. stackoverflow answer --- stackoverflow answer how to update all packages using pip
  3. Bash Strict Mode --- article about bash strict mode