zyro / hyde-x

Enhanced port of the Jekyll "Hyde" theme to Hugo
MIT License
263 stars 101 forks source link


Enhanced port of the Jekyll "Hyde" theme to the Hugo site generator. Check below for a list of enhancements.

You can find a live site using this theme here and the corresponding source code here.


$ cd your_site_repo/
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/zyro/hyde-x

See the official Hugo themes documentation for more info.


This theme expects a relatively standard Hugo blog/personal site layout:

└── content
    ├── post
    |   ├── post1.md
    |   └── post2.md
    ├── license.md        // this is used in the sidebar footer link
    └── other_page.md

Just run hugo --theme=hyde-x to generate your site!


An example of what your site's config.toml could look like. All theme-specific parameters are under [params] and standard Hugo parameters are used where possible.

baseurl = "http://example.com/"
title = "Your site title"
languageCode = "en-us"
disqusShortname = "your_disqus_shortname" # Optional, enable Disqus integration
MetaDataFormat = "toml"
theme = "hyde-x"
paginate = 10

    name = "Your Name"

    # Optional. Change the permalink format for the 'post' content type.
    # The format shown here is the same one Jekyll/Octopress uses by default.
    post = "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/"

    # Optional. Use if you want tags and lists.
    category = "categories"

# All parameters below here are optional and can be mixed and matched.
    # If false display full article contents in blog index.
    # Otherwise show description and 'read on' link to individual blog post page.
    # Default (if omitted) is true.
    truncate = true

    # Used when a given page doesn't set its own.
    defaultDescription = "Your default page description"
    defaultKeywords = "your,default,page,keywords"

    # Hide estimated reading time for posts.
    # Default (if omitted) is false.
    hideReadingTime = false

    # Changes sidebar background and link/accent colours.
    # See below for more colour options.
    # This also works: "theme-base-08 layout-reverse", or just "layout-reverse".
    theme = "theme-base-08"

    # Select a syntax highight.
    # Check the static/css/highlight directory for options.
    highlight = "sunburst"

    # Optional additional custom CSS file URL, will override other styles.
    customCSS = ""

    # Displays under the author name in the sidebar, keep it short.
    # You can use markdown here.
    tagline = "Your favourite quote or soundbite."

    # Text for the top menu link, which goes the root URL for the site.
    # Default (if omitted) is "Blog".
    home = "Blog"

    # Metadata used to drive integrations.
    googleAnalytics = "Your Google Analytics tracking code"
    gravatarHash = "MD5 hash of your Gravatar email address"

    # Sidebar social links, these must be full URLs.
    github = ""
    bitbucket = ""
    stackOverflow = ""
    linkedin = ""
    googleplus = ""
    facebook = ""
    twitter = ""
    youtube = ""

    # Other social-like sidebar links
    rss = false  # switch to true to enable RSS icon link
    flattr = ""  # populate with your flattr uid

Built-in colour themes

Hyde-X provides 8 built-in colour themes by default, with the option to define more in your own custom CSS.

Hyde-X theme classes


Changes and enhancements from the original theme


Obviously largely a port of the awesome Hyde theme.

Questions, ideas, bugs, pull requests?

All feedback is welcome! Head over to the issue tracker.


Open sourced under the MIT license.