zyslife / react-native-head-tab-view

Add collapsible headers to your tab-view components.
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collapsable header react-native swipe swipeview tabbar tabs

React Native Head Tab View

:tada::tada::tada: v4.0.0-rc.13 has been released, I hope you can help me test and collect questions. In this version, there is a big change. All animations will run on the UI thread, which will make the components much smoother. Unfortunately, the version requiring React Native is greater than 0.62.0. Because we rely on react-native-reanimated2.0, that's what it requires.

Here are some changes and optimizations. Disruptive Changes:

It's not mandatory, but it would be nice if you did

this mode was used for ScrollView/FlatList scrolling stalling when dragging headers, no longer needed.

  • Remove the scene's refreshHeight property
    Both the TabView and Scene used to have the refreshHeight property. Now I think they are duplicate, just set refreshHeight on the TabView, its default value is 80
# Past usage:
import { HPageViewHoc } from 'react-native-head-tab-view'
const HScrollView = HPageViewHoc(ScrollView)
const HFlatList = HPageViewHoc(FlatList)
const HSectionList = HPageViewHoc(SectionList)
# Current usage
import { HScrollView,HFlatList,HSectionList } from 'react-native-head-tab-view'

The following components are currently supported:

For detailed usage, please refer to Example and Installation.














If your tabs component is react-native-scrollable-tab-view

import * as React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { HScrollView } from 'react-native-head-tab-view'
import { CollapsibleHeaderTabView } from 'react-native-scrollable-tab-view-collapsible-header'
export default class ExampleBasic extends React.PureComponent<any> {
    render() {
        return (
            <CollapsibleHeaderTabView renderScrollHeader={() => <View style={{ height: 200, backgroundColor: 'red' }} />}>
                <HScrollView index={0}>
                    <View style={{ height: 1000, backgroundColor: '#ff4081' }} />
                <HScrollView index={1}>
                    <View style={{ height: 1000, backgroundColor: '#673ab7' }} />

If your tabs component is react-native-tab-view

import * as React from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet, Dimensions } from 'react-native';
import { SceneMap } from 'react-native-tab-view';
import { HScrollView } from 'react-native-head-tab-view'
import { CollapsibleHeaderTabView } from 'react-native-tab-view-collapsible-header'

const FirstRoute = () => (
    <HScrollView index={0}>
        <View style={[styles.scene, { backgroundColor: '#ff4081' }]} />

const SecondRoute = () => (
    <HScrollView index={1}>
        <View style={[styles.scene, { backgroundColor: '#673ab7' }]} />

const initialLayout = { width: Dimensions.get('window').width };

export default function TabViewExample() {
    const [index, setIndex] = React.useState(0);
    const [routes] = React.useState([
        { key: 'first', title: 'First' },
        { key: 'second', title: 'Second' },

    const renderScene = SceneMap({
        first: FirstRoute,
        second: SecondRoute,

    return (
            renderScrollHeader={() => <View style={{ height: 200, backgroundColor: 'red' }} />}
            navigationState={{ index, routes }}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    scene: {
        flex: 1,

More examples:Example

Run the example

cd Example
yarn or npm install

//run Android 
react-native run-android

//run iOS 
cd ios
pod install
cd ../
react-native run-ios


yarn add react-native-head-tab-view react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated  
npm install react-native-head-tab-view react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated --save
If your tabs component is react-native-scrollable-tab-view
yarn add react-native-scrollable-tab-view-collapsible-header
If your tabs component is react-native-tab-view
yarn add react-native-tab-view-collapsible-header


react-native-head-tab-view react-native-scrollable-tab-view-collapsible-header react-native-tab-view-collapsible-header
v1 ~ v2 - -
v3 v0 v0
v4-rc.1 v1 v1
v4-rc.2~ v2 v2


  1. react-native-gesture-handler Refer to the official documentation
  2. react-native-reanimated Refer to the official documentation


CollapsibleHeaderTabView - If your tabs component is react-native-scrollable-tab-view >You need to add [this dependency library](https://github.com/zyslife/react-native-scrollable-tab-view-collapsible-header) > >```js >import { CollapsibleHeaderTabView } from 'react-native-scrollable-tab-view-collapsible-header' >``` - If your tabs component is react-native-tab-view > You need to add [this dependency library](https://github.com/zyslife/react-native-tab-view-collapsible-header) > > ```javascript > import { CollapsibleHeaderTabView } from 'react-native-tab-view-collapsible-header' > ``` `CollapsibleHeaderTabView` extends the props for the tabs component by adding the **CollapsibleHeaderProps** #### CollapsibleHeaderProps ##### `renderScrollHeader` _(React.ComponentType | React.ReactElement | null)_ (require) *render the collapsible header* ```js renderScrollHeader={()=>} ``` ##### `headerHeight` (optional) The height of collapsible header. ##### `tabbarHeight` (optional) The height of collapsible tabbar ##### `frozeTop` The height at which the top area of the Tabview is frozen ##### `overflowHeight` Sets the upward offset distance of the TabView and TabBar ##### `makeScrollTrans` _(scrollValue: Animated.ShareValue) => void_ Gets the animation value of the shared collapsible header. ```js { this.setState({ scrollValue }) }} /> ``` ##### `onStartRefresh` _(() => void)_ If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for "Pull to Refresh" functionality. Make sure to also set the isRefreshing prop correctly. ##### `isRefreshing` _(boolean)_ Whether the TabView is refreshing ##### `renderRefreshControl` _(() => React.ReactElement)_ A custom RefreshControl ##### `scrollEnabled` _(boolean)_ Whether to allow the scene to slide vertically ##### `refreshHeight` _(number)_ If this height is reached, a refresh event will be triggered (onStartRefresh) it defaults to 80 ##### `overflowPull` _(number)_ It's the distance beyond the refreshHeight, the distance to continue the displacement, when the pull is long enough, it defaults to 50. ##### `pullExtendedCoefficient` _(number)_ When the maximum drop-down distance is reached(refreshHeight+overflowPull), the refreshControl moves the distance for each pixel the finger moves The recommended number is between 0 and 1. ---
HScrollView \ HFlatList \ HSectionList ##### `index` _(number)_ (require) The number of the screen. If you use **react-native-scrollable-tab-view**, it should correspond to the number of the `children` element in the TabView. If you use **react-native-tab-view**, it should correspond to the index of the `navigationState` of the TabView Please check the [Example](https://github.com/zyslife/react-native-head-tab-view#Example) . ##### `onStartRefresh` _(() => void)_ If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for "Pull to Refresh" functionality. Make sure to also set the isRefreshing prop correctly. ##### `isRefreshing` _(boolean)_ Whether the scene is refreshing ##### `renderRefreshControl` _(() => React.ComponentType | React.ReactElement | null)_ A custom RefreshControl for scene ##### `renderLoadingView` _((headerHeight: number) => React.ReactElement)_ You can provide a LoadingView when the scene is transparent until the height of the onContentSizeRange callback is less than minHeight. ##### `enableSnap` _(boolean)_ When it stops sliding, it automatically switches to the folded and expanded states.


  1. If you are not planning to upgrade to RN0.62 in the near future, you can use the v3 version.
  2. You may encounter problems with React-Native-Reanimated2.0 when you first start using V4.

Refer to the official documentation. I'm sure it won't be difficult for you

Thank you for your effort.