zzndream / ShipRSImageNet

ShipRSImageNet is the largest ship detection dataset in the Computer Vision and Earth Vision communities.
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ShipRSImagaeNet: A Large-scale Fine-Grained Dataset for Ship Detection in High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Images

python OpenCV Apache


ShipRSImageNet is a large-scale fine-grainted dataset for ship detection in high-resolution optical remote sensing images. The dataset contains 3,435 images from various sensors, satellite platforms, locations, and seasons. Each image is around 930×930 pixels and contains ships with different scales, orientations, and aspect ratios. The images are annotated by experts in satellite image interpretation, categorized into 50 object categories images. The fully annotated ShipRSImageNet contains 17,573 ship instances. There are five critical contributions of the proposed ShipRSImageNet dataset compared with other existing remote sensing image datasets.

Examples of Annotated Images


Image Source and Usage License

The ShipRSImageNet dataset collects images from a variety of sensor platforms and datasets, in particular:

Use of the Google Earth images must respect the "Google Earth" terms of use.

All images and their associated annotations in ShipRSImageNet can be used for academic purposes only, but any commercial use is prohibited.

Object Category

The ship classification tree of proposed ShipRSImageNet is shown in the following figure. Level 0 distinguish whether the object is a ship, namely Class. Level 1 further classifies the ship object category, named as Category. Level 2 further subdivides the categories based on Level 1. Level 3 is the specific type of ship, named as Type.


At Level 3, ship objects are divided into 50 types. For brevity, we use the following abbreviations: DD for Destroyer, FF for Frigate, LL for Landing, AS for Auxiliary Ship, LSD for Landing Ship Dock, LHA for Landing Heli- copter Assault Ship, AOE for Fast Combat Support Ship, EPF for Expeditionary Fast Transport Ship, and RoRo for Roll- on Roll-off Ship. These 50 object classes are Other Ship, Other Warship, Submarine, Other Aircraft Carrier, Enterprise, Nimitz, Midway, Ticonderoga, Other Destroyer, Atago DD, Arleigh Burke DD, Hatsuyuki DD, Hyuga DD, Asagiri DD, Other Frigate, Perry FF, Patrol, Other Landing, YuTing LL, YuDeng LL, YuDao LL, YuZhao LL, Austin LL, Osumi LL, Wasp LL, LSD 41 LL, LHA LL, Commander, Other Auxiliary Ship, Medical Ship, Test Ship, Training Ship, AOE, Masyuu AS, Sanantonio AS, EPF, Other Merchant, Container Ship, RoRo, Cargo, Barge, Tugboat, Ferry, Yacht, Sailboat, Fishing Vessel, Oil Tanker, Hovercraft, Motorboat, and Dock.

Dataset Download

Benchmark Code Installation

We keep all the experiment settings and hyper-parameters the same as depicted in MMDetection(v2.11.0) config files except for the number of categories and parameters. MMDe- tection is an open-source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project developed by Multimedia Laboratory, CUHK.

This project is based on MMdetection(v2.11.0). MMDetection is an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project.



Train with ShipRSImageNet

Models trained on ShipRSImageNet

We introduce two tasks: detection with horizontal bounding boxes (HBB for short) and segmentation with oriented bounding boxes (SBB for short). HBB aims at extracting bounding boxes with the same orientation of the image, it is an Object Detection task. SBB aims at semantically segmenting the image, it is a Semantic Segmentation task.

The evaluation protocol follows the same mAP and mAR of area small/medium/large and mAP(@IoU=0.50:0.95) calculation used by MS-COCO.

Level 0

Model Backbone Style HBB mAP SBB mAP Extraction code Download
Faster RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.550 2vrm model
Faster RCNN with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.546 f362 model
Mask RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.566 0.440 24eq model
Mask RCNN with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.557 0.436 lbcb model
Cascade Mask RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.568 0.430 et6m model
SSD VGG16 Pytorch 0.464 qabf model
Retinanet with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.418 7qdw model
Retinanet with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.419 vdiq model
FoveaBox R-101 Pytorch 0.453 urbf model
FCOS with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.333 94ub model

Level 1

Model Backbone Style HBB mAP SBB mAP Extraction code Download
Faster RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.366 - 5i5a model
Faster RCNN with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.461 - 6ts7 model
Mask RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.456 0.347 9gnt model
Mask RCNN with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.472 0.371 wc62 model
Cascade Mask RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.485 0.365 a8bl model
SSD VGG16 Pytorch 0.397 - uffe model
Retinanet with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.368 - lfio model
Retinanet with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.359 - p1rd model
FoveaBox R-101 Pytorch 0.389 - kwiq model
FCOS with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.351 - 1djo model

Level 2

Model Backbone Style HBB mAP SBB mAP Extraction code Download
Faster RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.345 - 924l model
Faster RCNN with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.479 - fb1b model
Mask RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.468 0.377 so8j model
Mask RCNN with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.488 0.398 7q1g model
Cascade Mask RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.492 0.389 t9gr model
SSD VGG16 Pytorch 0.423 - t1ma model
Retinanet with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.369 - 4h0o model
Retinanet with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.411 - g9ca model
FoveaBox R-101 Pytorch 0.427 - 8e12 model
FCOS with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.431 - 0hl0 model

Level 3

Model Backbone Style HBB mAP SBB mAP Extraction code Download
Faster RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.375 - 7qmo model
Faster RCNN with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.543 - bmla model
Mask RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.545 0.450 a73h model
Mask RCNN with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.564 0.472 7k9i model
Cascade Mask RCNN with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.593 0.483 ebga model
SSD VGG16 Pytorch 0.483 - otu5 model
Retinanet with FPN R-50 Pytorch 0.326 - tu5a model
Retinanet with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.483 - ptv0 model
FoveaBox R-101 Pytorch 0.459 - 1acn model
FCOS with FPN R-101 Pytorch 0.498 - 40a8 model

Development kit

The ShipRSImageNet Development kit is based on DOTA Development kit and provides the following function


If you make use of the ShipRSImageNet dataset, please cite our following paper:

Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, P. Feng and R. He, "ShipRSImageNet: A Large-Scale Fine-Grained Dataset for Ship Detection in High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Images," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 14, pp. 8458-8472, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3104230.


If you have any the problem or feedback in using ShipRSImageNet, please contact:


ShipRSImageNet is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.