zzxyb / wsm

lychee wayland surface manager for pc and mobile devices
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link


wsm is an pc and Mobile Phone [Wayland] compositor for lychee.

Contributing to wsm

Please refer to the contributing document for everything you need to know to get started contributing to wsm.

Release Signatures


From Packages

Compiling from Source

Install dependencies:

build dependencies(for arch linux):

build dependencies(for debian):

Run these commands:

    meson build/ --prefix=/usr --buildtype=debug -Dxwayland=enabled
    sudo ninja -C build/ install


set the documentation in meson_options.txt to enabled, reuse meson to compile, and you will see that the documentation has been generated in the build/doc/doxygen/html/wsm directory.


Run wsm --xwayland from a TTY or in Xorg/Wayland desktop environment. Some display managers may work but are not supported by wsm (gdm is known to work fairly well).
