zzzxxxttt / pytorch_simple_CornerNet

A simple pytorch implementation of CornerNet
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deep-learning object-detection pytorch

Pytorch simple CornerNet

This repository is a simple pytorch implementation of CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints, some of the code is taken from the official implementation. As the name says, this version is simple and easy to read, all the complicated parts (dataloader, hourglass, training loop, etc) are all rewrote in a simpler way.
By the way the support of nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel is also added, so this implementation trains considerably faster than the official code.



Getting Started

  1. Disable cudnn batch normalization. Open torch/nn/functional.py and find the line with torch.batch_norm and replace the torch.backends.cudnn.enabled with False.

  2. Clone this repo:

    git clone https://github.com/zzzxxxttt/pytorch_simple_CornerNet $CornerNet_ROOT
  3. Install COCOAPI (the cocoapi in this repo is modified to work with python3):

    cd $CornerNet_ROOT/lib/cocoapi/PythonAPI
    python setup.py install --user
  4. Compile corner pooling. If you are using pytorch 0.4.1, rename $CornerNet_ROOT/lib/cpool_old to $CornerNet_ROOT/lib/cpool, otherwise rename $CornerNet_ROOT/lib/cpool_new to $CornerNet_ROOT/lib/cpool.

    cd $CornerNet_ROOT/lib/cpool
    python setup.py install --user
  5. Compile NMS.

    cd $CornerNet_ROOT/lib/nms
  6. For COCO training, Download COCO dataset and put annotations, train2017, val2017, test2017 (or create symlinks) into $CornerNet_ROOT/data/coco



multi GPU using nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node NUM_GPUS train.py --dist \
        --log_name coco_hg_511_ddp \
        --dataset coco \
        --arch large_hourglass \
        --lr 5e-4 \
        --lr_step 90,120 \
        --batch_size 48 \
        --num_epochs 200 \
        --num_workers 2



python test.py --log_name coco_hg_511_dp \
               --dataset coco \
               --arch large_hourglass

# flip test
python test.py --log_name coco_hg_511_dp \
               --dataset coco \
               --arch large_hourglass \

# multi scale test
python test.py --log_name coco_hg_511_dp \
               --dataset coco \
               --arch large_hourglass \
               --test_flip \
               --test_scales 0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5



Model Training image size mAP
Hourglass-52 (DDP) 511 35.4/37.1/38.7
Hourglass-104 (DDP) 511 39.4/40.9/42.0