0bCdian / Waypaper-Engine

A wallpaper setter with playlist functionality!
GNU General Public License v3.0
165 stars 0 forks source link
archlinux electron hyprland nodejs qtile react sway swww typescript wallpaper wayland
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](#why)** **[
 How to install 
](#install)** **[
](#usage)** **[
](#todo)** **[
](#gallery)** **[
 Special Thanks 





I started this project for two main reasons, one as a learning oportunity, and two because the available options for a tool like this didn't suit my needs fully. I really like swww but it lacks a lot of the features that I missed from wallpaper engine in windows, so this is my attempt to bridge that gap a little.


Simply install from the aur like so:

yay -S waypaper-engine


yay -S waypaper-engine-git

Both the normal and -git version conflict with each other, so make sure to delete the other with yay -Rns package_name package_name-debug before installing either.

Manual installation

Be advised you will need to run some of the commands with sudo privileges as you will be copying files to protected paths.

1) Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:0bCdian/Waypaper-Engine.git or download and extract the zip file 2) cd into Waypaper-Engine 3) run npm run build 4) cd into release cd release 5) Optional: if you want to change the tray icon, change the 512x512.png image inside linux-unpacked/resources/icons 6) Optional: copy the 512x512.png file to the icons system directory cp linux-unpacked/resources/icons/512x512.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/waypaper-engine.png 7) copy the whole directory to it's final destination sudo cp ./linux-unpacked -rt /opt/waypaper-engine 8) go back to root dir cd .. 9) cd into cli cd cli 10) copy waypaper-engine file to your $PATH or /usr/bin sudo cp ./waypaper-engine /usr/bin or cp ./waypaper/engine $HOME/.local/bin be advised, if you do not copy the cli file to /usr/bin, the path you're copying it into must be in your $PATH, read this for more info 11) go back to root cd .. 12) copy the .desktop file to /usr/share/applications sudo cp ./waypaper-engine.desktop /usr/share/applications/

and you're done!


Simply start the app and add wallpapers to the gallery, from there you can double click to set the wallpapers or right click for more options, to create playlists simply click on the checkboxes that appear when hover over the images, and configure it, and then save it to auto start it.


Autostart on hyprland just the daemon

Add to your hyprland.conf the following lines:

exec-once=waypaper-engine daemon

Add scripts to run on each image set

[!WARNING] Make sure the script in question has execution permissions Put you bash scripts in this path:


The scripts are always passsed as an argument the path of the image being set, so you can do stuff like this:




If you encounter any problems or would like to make a suggestion, please feel free to open an issue.


image image image image image image image

Special Thanks

LGFae - for the amazing little tool that swww is ! ❤️

Simon Ser - for wlr-randr, without it making this work across different wayland wm's would've been a nightmare 🥲

Cristian Avendaño - for creating the amazing logo! 💪