131 / h264-live-player

A live h264 player for the browser (ideal for raspberrypi / raspicam )
MIT License
1.08k stars 251 forks source link
broadway canvas h264 html5 raspberry-pi raspicam video


This is a very simple h264 video player (that can run on live stream) for your browser. You might use this with raspicam raw h264 stream. This is a player around Broadway Decoder, with very simple API. NAL unit (h264 frames) are split on the server side, transported using websocket, and sent to the decoded (with frame dropping, if necessary)

Version License



git clone git@github.com:131/h264-live-player.git player
cd player
npm install

node server-rpi.js    # run on a rpi for a webcam demo
node server-static.js # for sample video (static) file delivery
node server-tcp.js    # for a remote tcp (rpi video feed) sample
node server-ffmpeg    # usefull on win32 to debug the live feed (use ffmpeg & your directshow device / webcam) 

# browse to for a demo player



Keywords / shout box

raspberry, mp4box, h264, nal, raspivid, mse, media source extension, iso, raspicam, bitrate, realtime, video, mp4, ffmpeg, websocket, ws, socket.io "Let's have a beer and talk in Paris"