136MasterNR / Battles-of-Batch

Battles of Batch is a game which runs on Windows' MS-DOS terminal. It's a RP text game, where you fight enemies in various battles. The project was initiated by 136MasterNR on August 13, 2021.
GNU General Public License v3.0
24 stars 2 forks source link
batch batch-file batch-games batch-script game rpg-game turn-based-combat windows
# Battles of Batch [![](https://badgen.net/badge/icon/windows?icon=windows&label)](https://github.com/136MasterNR/Battles-of-Batch#-battles-of-batch) [![](https://badgen.net/github/release/136MasterNR/Battles-of-Batch)](https://github.com/136MasterNR/Battles-of-Batch/releases) [![](https://badgen.net/github/stars/136MasterNR/Battles-of-Batch)](https://github.com/136MasterNR/Battles-of-Batch/stargazers) ##### _Copyright (C) 2023, 136MasterNR_

Battles of Batch is a RPG text game built for the Windows MS-DOS terminal version 10. Wanderers fight in various battles against a variety of enemies as they progress through the game. They can complete quests, acquire new items and weapons, and experience the game's story.

The project was initiated by 136MasterNR on August 13, 2021.

Download/Installation Process, Requirements & Notes

After the download is complete, simply extract and run the batch file BattleOfBatch.bat.

Battles of Batch is currently only available on Windows, with a required command line version at least 10.0.1 and higher.

Recommended Command Prompt settings:

The game's launcher requires VBScript on your system. It uses VBScript to launch all additional tasks in the background. If you have a specific issue with it, delete the file data\scripts\invisible.vbs and all invisible tasks should appear minimized on your taskbar instead.

This project uses ANSI as a text formatter. It's used to manage displayed text and colors on the console. It's required for almost any display-related feature to work as intended.

Please note that the Source Code version contains untested features, you should use a release instead, do not report issues otherwise.


Social Media

Game Details & How To Play

Game Controls

Press CTRL + W on some User Interfaces to get more information about it.

About Combat

About Effects

About Enemies

List of Enemies & their Traits

About Skills

About Items

### List of all Items (Click) ``` Note Some stuff in here are not yet released. About Items, such as weapons and armour, are used in-game to boost stats, such as extra attack damage or critical strikes etc., they can also give special buffs or any debuffs. Artifact items can be used to buff the player, debuff enemies or deal damage. Items are upgradable, every item can be upgraded 15 times. Once an item is upgraded, its level will be increased by one. Every upgrade will increase the item's stats by 115%. To upgrade an item witha level of 15 or higher, you must own at least one material of Mythril. The materials required to upgrade an item increases as the level of the item is increased. Weapon Items [Released] Dustblade (Short Blade) {Base Damage: 8} Cold Twill (Short Bow) {Base Damage: 20} [Bonus Effects: Slows down the enemy by 25 action points] Comrade Hammer (Kusarigama) {Base Damage: 45} [Bonus Effects: 50% Chance to deal a total amount of 350% damage] Stylefi (Long Bow) {Base Damage: 60} [Bonus Effects: Extra 10% Crit Rate] Flora Thrower (Magic Wand) {Base Damage: 75} [Bonus Effects: 10% Chance to Poison a single enemy, lasts for a total of 2 rounds] Trident of Gawra (Trident) {Base Damage: 80} [Bonus Effects: 40% Chance to stun the targeted enemy, skipping their next round] Infernal Blade (Greatsword) (Base Damage: 85) [Bonus Effects: 80% Chance to set on fire the targeted enemy, dealing 20% of your base damage on every round] Ornate Cobalt (Shield) {Main Damage: 200} [Bonus Effects: Shares an extra amount of 20% of your base damage to all enemies] Brainleader (Magic Ball) {Base Damage: 250} [Bonus Effects: An extra amount of 9750 damage is dealt to ALL enemies on every single round. Debuff: Loe -99% HP every time you make an action.] Consumable Items [Releasing] Healing Potion (Lvl 1 Buff Item) {Effects: Heals you by 25% when used, and another 4% for the next 2 turns, can stack} Reactive Bomb (Lvl 4 Buff Item) {Effects: Deals an additinal 20% of your base damage to all enemies, and 100% normal damage to the selected enemy.} Oracle Shield (Lvl 4 Buff Item) {Effects: Take 30% less damage for 2 rounds, 20% chance to stun each enemy, skipping their next round} Cup of Misery (Lvl 8 Buff Item) {Effects: Extra 10% base damage for 4 rounds} Totem of Salute (Lvl 10 Buff Item) {Effects: When used, it will increase your HP by 25% once it gets lower than 1%} Barrel Bomb (Lvl 14 AoE Attack Item) {Effects: Deals an additinal 60% of your base damage to all enemies} Artifact Items [Not Released] Boots of the Aether (Lvl 45) {Effects: Increases HP by 20%, automatically heals you by 20% every 3 rounds, if HP already maxed then max HP increases by 20% until the current round ends} Material Items [Released] Stained Dust (Lvl 1 Material) Black Wood (Lvl 4 Material) Reactive Powder (Lvl 6 Material) Francium (Lvl 8 Material) Light Resin (Lvl 12 Material) Double Marble (Lvl 18 Material) Prism Dust (Lvl 18 Material) Exalted Nickel (Lvl 24 Material) Mythril (Lvl 30 Material) {Used to upgrade items over level 15} Palladium (Lvl 44 Material) Eternal Ethereal (Lvl 57 Material) ```

Crafting Items

Levels & Story

### Chapter 1 - **Prologue**: - Story: More Info Soon! - **Level 1**: - Enemies: Y↑1, Y↑1 - Drops: - 1~2 Stained Dust - 0~1 Branch - **Level 2**: - Summary: Reveals a new enemy striker type J (or Jumpo), first level requiring strategy making. The player also learns how to upgrade skills. - Enemies: J↑1, Y↑1 - Drops: - 1~1 Dust Balde (Once) - 1~2 Double Marble - **Level 3**: - Summary: Reveals a new enemy supporter type N (or Nimbo) that Advances Forward enemies, & first level UP for Yara (or Y). The player learns how to use the item Heal, and equips their first weapon before battle. - Enemies: Y↑1, J↑1, Y↑2 - Drops: - 1~1 Bomb (Once) - 1~2 Black Wood - 0~2 Stained Dust - **Level 4**: - Summary: Reveals a new enemy striker type F (or French) that deals heavy damage and causes the Bleed effect. The player learns how to use the item Bomb and properly negate bleeding damage using the Heal item. - Enemies: Y↑1, F↑1, Y↑2 - Drops: - 1~2 Francium - 0~2 Stained Dust - **Level 5**: - Summary: Reveals a new enemy striker type S (or Snek) that effects the player with poison. The player is free to make any kind of strategy. - Enemies: N↑1, J↑1, S↑1, N↑1 - Drops: - 2~3 Light Resin - 1~1 Prism Dust - **Level 6**: - Summary: Reveals new enemy supporter type D (or Deffy). The player has to survive constant damage, as it is very difficult to kill the striker enemies due to support enemies healing them. - Enemies: D↑1, Y↑3, D↑1 - **Level 7**: - ???

More chapters coming soon.

User Interfaces

Menu (#6.0)

Map (#6.1)

Battle (#6.2)

Character & Equipment (#6.3)

Shop (#6.4)

Quests (#6.5)

Settings (#6.6)

For Developers

When developing something on your own, you should use the DLC packs. DO NOT edit the game itself as it may corrupt it entirely or cause misbehaviour! Follow the guides provided in the example DLC pack or below.

Create your own levels using the Level Editor

Create your own enemie

Create your own items

Terminal & Commands

Useful console snippets

Explaining Technical Features

Saves Manager

Auto Updater

Error Handler



Pixel Art

Ascii Art


More information on this project will be added in this read me every now and then :shipit: