### Issue Description
I tried updating to the November 12, 2024 update. The update goes well, but when rebooting, it gets stuck at the splash screen. It's running on the Framework laptop 16, AMD vers…
/usr/local is reserved for the system admin. Every software delivered by us needs to be in /usr.
This is also required for https://gi…
Currently, if the user interrupt an upgrade from the vso-gnome-ext, it is not possible to remove it if not manually from `/tmp`. We need a command to simplify the process, for example `abroot remove-u…
### Feature Description
AppImages does not runon Vanilla OS because complains about lack of FUSE
The issue can be solved by executing `abroot apk add libfuse-dev`, `abroot upgrade -f` and system r…
### Issue Description
After first login you cant see wallpaper , it is black and even on changing it remains black
No option to configure Display or Touchpad
All the icons on taskbar are squished t…
i think abroot should be able to unlock itself if the user cancelled an upgrade or if the upgrade pre-staging fails (during update check or during download)
it gets kinda annoying trying to test abro…
View https://github.com/Vanilla-OS/ABRoot/issues/261 for more details
**This is what it looks like in Fedora _(please ignore the old Fedora logo at the bottom as it has been replaced by the newer one)_:**
Дим подскажи,
лежит _history.bat
как понимаю для автогенерации history
делаю подмену
set ABROOT=..\..
set ABROOT=D:\SVNanybalan…
### Feature Description
firstoff: kudos and thank you very very much that you made VOS available for KDE-users!
to make the user-experience a little it more common:
- kate is missing
- VOS-to…