It's great that Granger causality analysis has been incorporated in `mne_connectivity.spectral_connectivity_epochs`, which supports extensive **frequency-** and **time-frequency-domain** connectivit…
Dear all,
I have two 500ms' length of MEG time series, along the time, directional information of correspond cortical fields will change dynamically. If I want to model this directional changing, how…
I personally like the idea of sliced causality a lot. And I consider our branch model to be an instance of the sliced causality that only captures the control-flow part. I understand that the static a…
**Notebooks & Github codes**
- [ ] [Quickstart Notebook for using Causalgraphicalmodels python module: used to describe and manipulate Causal Graphical Models and Structural Causal Models. ](https:…
There is an issue on chapter 14, in the following paragraph
[paragraph here]
Another less obvious case when fixed effect fails is when you have reversed causality. For instance, let’s say that it is…
what do you mean by Use multivariate analysis to understand the relationship between my two datasets ?
Do you mean a granger causality analysis ?
Hello Anna,
do you know any good ressources (papers or websites) on Granger Causality? I'm curious about the analysis.
Reproducible computational environments for research
- Virtual environments, docker, git
Neural data handling and preprocessing
- Spiking data
- Calcium imaging
- Widefield imaging
Single c…
The compiler just reports that a causality analysis occurred without giving information on the variables that generate this error.
This is a well-known weakness of constraint programming: it is hard …
see discussion in https://groups.google.com/d/msg/pystatsmodels/WtqcXF3KtJI/wVH4HrHtHVMJ
target: get equivalent to Stata's `teffects`
## References
mix between statistics, econometrics and Stata (…