We should include a module to handle DEM data. I don't expect this to be too large, so we might go for one module handling retrieval and processing, if this will grow in future we might think about sp…
### Beschreibung (auf Deutsch oder Englisch)
Hallo Georg,
vorweg: ich habe aktuell keine Lösung für das nachfolgende "Problem", es ist nur eine Beobachtung, die mir auffiel, da aktuell praktisch…
엔진 버전
오류 내용
: DT에서 Dem 가공 이후 setDemBox를 통해서 가공 레벨과 동일하게 min max Level 지정하여 가시화하였을 때 지형이 깨져서 나옵니…
I am working on a data flow for storing data in point clouds in CF-NetCDF files. A point cloud is a collection of data points in a three-dimensional space, typically representing the surface of an obj…
FABDEM is a DEM that is truly a DEM at ground level, with forests removed, rather than ALOS and SRTM that are DSMs.
Just some thought while reading the new doc. I don't think the VCRS is displayed when calling `DEM.info()`. It could be interesting to add it.
Any possibiliyt to allow other inputs and make the config files more customizable ?
For example being able to specify DEMs with higher resolution (we have 5m now for most western countries and even…
DEM scoring section is kinda outdated by now. Most tests just contain applicable DEM penalties on their own scoresheet. The percentages mentioned are not really applied there either.
johaq updated
21 hours ago
Es wäre nützlich, wenn der Benutzer gewisse Angaben aus dem PDF-Dokument selektieren kann, auch ohne vorher ein bestimmtes Formularfeld selektiert zu haben. Der extrahierte Text könnte dann irgendwo a…