I'm at step 1 part part 7: When I run the playbook I receive the following "no hosts matched" error:
(ansible) BRIJEAN-M-D7KF:intro-ansible brijean$ ansible-playbook ansible-02-ios-modules/02-ios…
## Meeting Info
* [Dec 5, 2024, 14:00-15:30 UTC](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20241205T140000&p1=1440&p2=37&p3=136&p4=237&p5=923&p6=204&p7=671&p8=16&p9=41&p10=107&p11=28)…
The lab instructions are operating under the assumption that the participant is **opening** the sub-folder for each lab when they start the lab rather than opening the repository root folder or the tr…
Hi team,
if you follow the guide on the new Meraki DNE (https://developer.cisco.com/learningcenter/tracks/meraki-devnet-express/dne-verify-prepare-meraki-module/install-postman-collection-and-envir…
We have delivered DevNet Express training. Everything worked fine, except IOS-XE config management with Ansible. It worked perfectly during the dry runs, but not during the real event. I reali…
Lab describe following commands:
(venv)$ cd ~/code/meraki-code/meraki-webhooks
(venv)$ pyt…
Spark renamed to Webex Teams, and use `ACCESS_TOKEN` instead of `SPARK_TOKEN` - plus look for sparkbot.io renamed to webex.bot, and developer.ciscospark.com redirecting to developer.webex.com.
The sample code does not search for specific enough devices, so if the first access device found is a Unified AP, the script fails. Will submit a PR with a fix.
When connecting the Meraki cloud simulator to my Webhook receiver script, I get an error 500 in my browser and the following output in the cloud simulator command line logs:
File "[...]\meraki-code\m…
The list of "related" Lab Ids in the JSON file for Lab ID intro-coding-and-apis does not match up to the /startnow listing, so users get confused because "next" buttons do not go through in the expect…