This repo is hacktoberfest excluded.
Hi! Thanks for the great package.
I've noticed that if `watchDependencies` is `true`, there is the path `./` in the watch list. I'd prefer to exclude this path from the watch list but there is no s…
Is there a way to exclude some domains to not use warp?
**Is your feature request related to a problem in the current program to new available techology or software? Please describe and add links/citations if appropriate.**
The ClinVar variantS filter i…
Thank you for the flexible interface for "exclude"!
There is one point that is quite confusing in borg - and since Vorta is referring to the borg documentation, this applies to Vorta too.
In b…
Can we have a method to exclude unwanted files and folders from the archiving?
await ZipFile.createFromDirectory(
sourceDir: dataDir,
zipFile: zipFile,
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
When I want to exclude a file from being indexed, I have to exclude it twice in Obsidian setting tab (Files and links tab) and in Co…
I use:
air v1.61.1, built with Go go1.23.2
This is my `.air.toml` file, put in the project root:
![Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 09 58 32](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/19a537bc-eee1-4272…
- potentially excludes use of eud editor3
Type: Bug
Here is my `files.watcherExclude`:
"files.watcherExclude": {
"**/bazel-bando/**": true,
"**/bazel-bin/**": true,