Hi jannatjiaz,
I am so interested in your ChromoDethripsis methods. I am curious about one issue:
python CTResolveLowDensity.py
Thank you for making this program.
I am hoping to resolve some haplotype switch errors in my regions of interest, and I think Methphaser would be very nice to try out.
My regions of int…
Hi Im running the tool on 1 haplotype with a reference mode, using 240 GB and 32 Cores. I got this error.
[M::main] CMD: minimap2 -a -I 10G --eqx -x asm5 -t 4 --secondary=no /cbio/projects/031/moha…
I am working on the plant genome and I am interested in finding the haplotype blocks in my whole chromosome. Is it okay, if I put the coordinates of whole chromosomes for finding the haplotype b…
Hello, thank you for the software minimac3.
I have a problem now. When I am imputing the pig's chromosome 18 (the reference group is 30 pigs, the imputed group is 8), I will report such an error.
Implement a method of summarizing the variation inside of a graph.
* Drop out small, uncorrelated variation as noise while preserving correlated variation and building them into haplotype blocks.
Hi dinhdiep,
I want to use your method to generate methylation haplotype blocks.
When running your script for Identifying the methylation haplotype blocks:
/bin/cgHap2MHBs_parallel.pl [hapInfo fil…
I have a more methodological question - I am dealing with a partially collapsed diploid plant genome assembly.
I did my phasing using 10x data (see issue #262) but now I realized that most …
Thanks for your great work.
After labeling haplotag to BAM reads by the Whatshap haplotag module, I would like to know that if reads labeled in a haplotag in BAM file are from the same haploty…
Hello @awuster!
Super interesting R/Bioc-package.
Was it ever published, or is there an official reference of for the method?
Is there a source for the lambda value being set to 7.61e-06?