This may be a duplicate but I haven't found it yet
has_raw_value: Brachypodium distachyon [NCBI:txid15368]
id: NCBI:txid15368
name: Brachypodium…
i.e. extracting ontology class CURIes from env_broad_scale, env_loall_scale and env_medium
followup with Jasper, Peter, Paramvir and Mikaela
- prototype in Jupyte…
Requested in Google group [gensc-cig], Ruth Time (GSC Board member)
**Issue raised via email:**
**Original article:** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6757797/
**PDF URL:** https://github.com/Mathilde-Reynes/ReynesAussel2024/blob/a732939b013c7966631ef9e742c98d29ba311934/Submissio…
OAK output for each environmental triad term & the soil query will go into google sheets
- 1 sheet for each environment (soil)
- read me
- 3 separate tabs for environmental triad slots
- Colum…
SRX2591179 = Montipora capitata Spawning-Time1800_colony1
SRX2611210 = Montipora capitata Spawning-Time1800_colony10
I am using prokka (an amazing program, BTW) to annotate bacterial genomes for submission to NCBI. Today, I uploaded the sqn files for 23 genomes, and the all failed. Looking at the error messages pr…
Submitter: Andrew Tritt
Submission ID: 80f5752b-e8d3-453f-9a47-f48210ed6ffc
Have data already been generated for your study? : Yes
PI: Andreas Baumler
Status: Submitted Pending Review
We are running FCS on a set of genomes before submission to NCBI. We use the following command:
python3 fcs.py --image {fcs_img} screen genome --fasta {input.asm_fasta} --gx-db {par…
**Background:** The goal of this ticket is to provide a Google sheet-based report for "GenomeConnect - Simons Searchlight" as requested by GenomeConnect team. There is no existing Excel-based report …